Friday, October 2, 2020

Indian Summer Is Over

October 2, 2020

Good morning.  Today is really nice.  A little cool, but nice.  Indian Summer was awesome while it was here.  For now, the temps won't be getting much higher than the sixties.  After that, it's time to dig out the snuggies.  My heating fuel company came by the other day with a delivery.  Already!

Well, there's not much happening here.  Actually, it's been quiet since way back in March.  I'm now thinking that this Covid thing is going to last quite a while.  Probably at least till next Spring.  Whether this is true or not, I'm thinking that things are going to be different from now on.  

How about an uplift?  A blogger friend, Anne Robinson, sent this fun little video to me.  Enjoy it.

The sky outside is getting grayer and darker so I think we may get some rain soon.  I was going to hang something out on my new clothesline but I guess now I'll wait until tomorrow.  

I got a late start on my blog post today.  Now, I think I'd best get to the kitchen and whip up some lunch for Pogo and me.  After that, I'll work a bit more on the afghan.  There's only sixteen more rows to go.

Before I go, let me share an image that I borrowed from the web.  All animals are special and need love and respect.  I may be partial to doggies, but I love all the animals.

I'm off to the kitchen now.  So, till Sunday, Y'all stay safe and have a fantabulous weekend.

Hugs, Edna B.


Susie said...

Thank you Edna for the little video...what fun. I hope you and pogo have a great weekend. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

savannah said...

I just started reading your blog. I love how you advocate for animals.
I sleep with a 100 pound american bulldog,she hogs my blankets.
I prepare her meals from scratch,while she complains loudly I'm not doing it fast enough. I just finished sewing her bunnies leg back on after an overly enthusiastic
Game of hunt the bunny! She's rotten spoiled as all dogs should be.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi Edna, you are so right about cooler temps arriving in New England after that burst of Indian summer the past couple of weeks. I've already put away the warm weather clothes and can wear jeans again (yeah). We're looking forward to getting out for some nice fall walks before all the wonderful colors disappear. Nice that you already have a fuel delivery for cooler weather. The heat in the mill apts will be turned on this coming Monday. Wishing you have a great weekend, my friend.

smiekeltje said...

Oh, the good and nice weather is leaving us. Today we have rain and more rain.

Not much happening here as well, and you are right about the Covid. We will have to deal with it much longer. But one day we will have the life back, more or less that we had before.We just have to set our hope on it!

Just listening to an old LP with the song Vaya con Dios from a Dutch band of the 60's-70's named The Cats. Love that number. Who know may be ou can find it on You Tube?

Good, time for a bit internet and then a quick dinner.
Have a lovely day,

Steve Reed said...

That dog video is hilarious! Thanks for sharing it. Good luck on the afghan! (You're probably done with it by now!)

Sue said...

Oh how I enjoyed this video, Edna, I too am partial to dogs, thanks for sharing.

My Tata's Cottage said...

I am glad you enjoyed the video and shared it too. It was too cute. I am always searching for goodness and refuse to spread hatred. I pray all of our government. How sad to have a heart filled with hatred. Social media encourages the hatred they do not block the comments. I will stick with blogging. It is easy to delete hate or junk and spam.
I hope your day is wonderful no matter the weather. TAKE CARE and LOVE to you and Pogo too