Gosh! See what day it is? The last day of August!! Either I'm going even slower than I thought, or the days are just flying by me too fast. Where did August go? There are only three weeks left of summer. I think perhaps I had better start checking to see if all my Holiday stuff is pretty close to done, or that will fly right by too.
Have you noticed the new slideshow at the top of my blog? This is a sneak preview of the brand new Daily Download kit for September at Magickal Scraps. http://www.magickalscraps.com/. This is a huge and beautiful kit. The matching part will be available in the shop for such a teeny tiny price you won't want to miss it.
Miss Tootsie and I are off shortly for her chemo appointment. Even with all her problems, she is still such a joyful little darling. It's fun to come home to her greeting. She prances and dances and does doggie talk, and of course has lots of kisses. My little ray of sunshine.
I think we will leave a few minutes early this morning. On my way home from work, I happened to look down at my fuel gage, and oh my goodness!! The needle is sitting on "Empty." Well, we won't get too far without stopping for a fill-up.
I will leave you with a couple of photos I took yesterday of a beautiful rose that was getting ready to open, and in fact, did. Y'all have a great day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Rose at 7:30 am
Rose at 1:55 pm