Good Morning, and another gorgeous morning it is!! If it stays like this all day, it will be a spectacular day. Last night I was able to get started on another new kit "September Song." So maybe I'll show you a peek once I get enough of it done to make a little preview.
We also have another brand new Daily Download kit coming your way soon from the designers at Magickal Scraps. It's absolutely lovely, and it's huge. Don't forget to stop by the shop and pick up the the rest of the August kit, "Men At Work." It's huge, and it's only $1.50. This will help us to keep our forum up and running.
I realize from comments, how important Quick Pages are, and I am so glad because I really like to make them. While I was cropping a photo to share with you today, it dawned on me that flower photos are ready made backgrounds for QP's. So that will be my next set of QP freebies.
WOW! I don't know what just happened, but I touched a key and the rest of my blog disappeared!! This thing is just too darn touchy for me.
Last night I tried to update a few music selections on my blog music player, and Playlist wiped out all my music. They were doing some maintenance on their site and I guess they thought it would be fun to toss out all my music so I could start over. The nerve!!
Well, anyway, I managed to find a selection of oldies along with a few country tunes that I like. If you have any favorites you would like to hear, let me know and we will see what we can do. No rap or heavy metal stuff please.
Time for me to get back to work now. I hope you can use this new QP. Y'all have a fantastic day.
Hugs, Edna B.
"Peony QP - 01"

And here is your download link for "Peony QP - 01"
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