Well, good morning. And a great one it is!! We may get rain later on today, but right now the weather is absolutely divine. Yesterday was a great day too. This is my idea of fantastic summer weather. I could dig it all season.
Yesterday, while my little girl was at the beauty salon getting all spiffed up, I went on a shopping spree for moi, and bought me sleeper sofa. You heard me! I finally found a sleeper sofa that I think will do just nicely in my little living room. Whoopee!! They even gave me a choice of fabrics at no extra charge. I can expect delivery sometime between the end of August and the middle of September.
You'll never guess where I found it. At Jordan's Furniture. So close, yet so far. They are not far from here, and I don't know why I didn't try them first. I tried everybody else all around them. It doesn't matter, I have my sofa and that's what counts. I will go back in a couple of days, and see if I can find what I want for my bedroom there too.
If you're reading this Nani, I hope all goes well for your Grandma. Home care can be such a blessing in helping to keep our loved ones in their own home. How do I know? Because I've been doing this type of health care for years. It makes a big difference in one's life to be able to stay at home where you are comfortable with your surroundings. Even a move to a senior living center apartment can be comfortable because you still have your own furniture and collectibles with you, and you are still pretty much on your own - with the help of home care, of course.
Caring must be in the genes or something like that. You know, four of my five children, at some point in their lives, has worked in a nursing home or hospital and/or did home care. I wonder if it has to do with the fact that my youngest child has lived in either a hospital or nursing facility for all but four months of her life.
Our beautiful Laura Jean contracted meningitis at age 4 1/2 months, and has been bed bound ever since. Well I shouldn't say always bed bound. She has a marvelous wheelchair built especially for her body, and is able to sit in it for a couple of hours a day. Everything is done for her, as she cannot do anything at all. She can only hear and feel, but she is happy in her own little world. She is 43 years old now, and because of the fantastic care that she receives, her skin looks just lovely. No skin breakdown, no bedsores, and her gorgeous long ash blonde hair is kept brushed and lovely. Sounds like they love her too, huh?
Enough of my rattling. This morning I will share a couple more photos that I took Friday. Can you tell I've been enjoying this new 50 mm lens? Enjoy the photos, and Y'all have a fantastic day.
Hugs, Edna B.

1 comment:
That lens is just fantastic !! I'm jealous,lol-think I will have to invest in a more advanced camera myself soon. My little Kodak is just not enough anymore,lol. Let's see what Santa can bring this year, and I might pass the Kodak on to Erik , so he can send me pics as well.Will log in to MSN a little later- got the Karnival going on here - might be busy for the next hour or so while the parade goes through town
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