So much for that lovely rain yesterday morning. By 8:30 the sun was shining in all its' glory, and by 9:30 the heat was becoming brutal. Not just hot, but sticky, and it stayed this way all day. I would loved to stayed in a cool bedroom all day, but alas, that was not to be. First, the bedroom was hot too. Second, I had already made plans with my granddaughter, and I had been looking forward to this.
It was very enjoyable watching Jasmine pick out her nail color, trying to stay with her own favorites, yet not go against Mom's wishes. She settled on a medium corally pink. Next came the decision as to how long the nails would be. This is where Meema (me) steps in and helps to make that decision. For the first time, they should not be too long, yet not really short either. School is starting soon, and we have to take that into consideration.
When her nails were finished, the technician drew a lovely little design on one nail on each hand to finish them off properly. Jasmine was thrilled with her new nails, and could not wait to get home and show them off to everyone. On the way home, we just had to stop at the Dairy Queen, and fill up on an ice cream blizzard. Mmmmmmmmmmmm, that really hit the spot.
Ever watch how different people eat their soft ice cream cones on a hot day? Let me tell you, this is interesting, and on a hot day, can be very tricky. Almost everyone gets some of the ice cream on their clothing. It's not easy to keep your good manners in mind, while you lick away at the ice cream - trying to keep ahead of the melting. Of course, if the cone were dipped in chocolate or cherry, then it becomes even more tricky. Even though we end up a bit sticky and messy, it is definitely worth it.
Snow Raven, that last paragraph was especially for you. I know you love the soft ice cream. Can't you just picture it? Li-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ck, ooooooooooooooooh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Li-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ck, ooooooooooooooh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Gotcha drooling yet? hehe. Oh, I am feeling so bad!!
Time to behave now. This morning my daughter in law is coming, and we are going to go shopping and attempt to finish up my furniture shopping. I just have to decide on what I want for the bedroom, and then go from there. I haven't had to do this in so long that it really is all new.
The weather man is promising us another scorcher today. Oh yuck! Yuck! Actually, though, if I wait for the cooler weather to do all my running around, my company will already be here. So this is a must. I also need to get new curtains for the dwarfs' kitchen. Even guys like things to look a bit nice.
I want to remind you that if you are wanting any of my new kits, the time to buy them is now. The 30% sale will end at midnight on the 14th. While you are in the Magickal Shop, check out the collab kit, Men At Work. It is another huge kit that goes with the August Daily Downloads, and is only $1.50. You cannot beat this price, and the kit is fantastic. The proceeds from this kit help to maintain our forum site. So please don't be bashful. Buy it, and thank you from all of us at Magickal Scraps.
Want another freebie? I just happen to have another layout finished, this one featuring my "Tomboy" kit, and my granddaughter Jasmine. I turned it into a QP to share with you, and I hope you like it. Meanwhile, stay cool; and Y'all have a fantastic day.
Hugs, Edna B.

"Tomboy QP"

And here is your download link for "Tomboy QP"
Another lovely QP. Oh, I love it when you are acting BAD!!! Specially with Snowy! ROFL!!!!
Hope you will find something while shopping! Have a great day, hugs
lol- you are so bad !!! Actually, why is it that men always get a dirty grin on their face when you are licking on a cone of icecream?? Last time I did that I got a dirty grin on the Web cam,lol.And now Kyra just made fun of me about your post, so I had to come and have a look what you are writing here !
Hugs Snowy
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