Thursday, August 6, 2020

College Will Be Different This Year

August 6, 2020

Good morning.  Tis sunny today with temps in the seventies.  However, temps will soon rise up into the upper eighties.  It seems like I've been up forever.  Pogo and I were finished with our breakfast before five thirty this morning.  

I've been busy so far, just not anything very important.  I went through my email and found an ad I've been waiting for.  The birdseed is on sale at our local Ace Hardware Store.  We need bird seed, so I'll let Joe know and he can pick some up for us.  

I'm hoping it doesn't get hot too quickly this morning because I have to keep the door open so that I can watch for the mail carrier, plus I'm waiting for a delivery from   I thought I would try to see if some products were easier to get.  It's the first place I've been able to find rubbing alcohol so I order some.  The market has been out of alcohol right along, and out of my coffee the last few grocery orders so I ordered some of that too.  

Deanne sent me a photo of her veggies and I thought I'd share it.  These plants look great.  I tried this once and nothing grew.  
I also have a photo of my great grandson Xander.  He turned three last week, and here he is playing with one of his gifts.  He's Deanne's grandson, and he's such a cutie!
Today I'm having trouble placing the photos that I'm importing to my blog.  Hopefully, this will straighten out soon.  It just started, so Blogger must be making some new changes.  

What a treat I had this morning when I turned on Leave It To Beaver.  It showed two very old episodes when the boys were very young.  Wow, it's been so long that I'd forgotten how cute they were when they were that young.  Even Eddie Haskell was cute then.  

Today I have to spray the steps to my porch and all around the gate for ants.  We are being inundated with them.  I was standing by the gate the other day and an ant decided to crawl up my arm.  No thank you!  No bugs on me!  It's time to get out the spray.

Jasmine was supposed to be moving into her new college dorm this month, but she just got notified that the college is going to be online only for at least the Fall semester.  After that, they haven't decided.  Needless to say, she is not a happy camper.  She was so looking forward to campus life.  

Now I'm off to do some blog reading before looking for some mischief to get into today.  So, till tomorrow, Y'all stay safe and have a fantabulous day.

Hugs, Edna B.


Anonymous said...

I have been a satisfied Wal-Mart on-line shopper for several years. I order any and all bulky and/or heavy items in addition to available items that I used to pick up in the store. I have always (even before Covid) hated grocery shopping and taking advantage of this option drastically reduces the time I have to spend pushing a cart up and down sometimes crowded isles, waiting in line to check out, loading and unloading bags in and out of my car etc. You can't beat free shipping with a $35 order delivered to my front door by Fed-Ex. WM sends an email with delivery tracking info once my order has been shipped and even though I have a covered deck and don't have to worry about deliveries in wet weather it's nice to know when my order will be delivered.

smiekeltje said...

Oh no, you cannot be out of coffee, one of our life savers LOL.
There was just an reduction for the coffee in the supermarket so I bought extra, we can drink a lot of coffee now hahaha.

Xander is looking real cute, happy birthday to him!
Ants can be annoying, sometimes we have them too, but they stay in the garden, only make sometimes a mess digging up a lot of sand between the tiles.
Oh well, it's part of garden life.

I can understand Jasmine, about the college life. It really will ne another way of starting college this year. Leet's just hope that by next year we all can do the things as they were, or at least more or less.

You had a very early start today, gosh. Perhaps you will need to do a little nap later today to catch up some needed sleep?

Have a great day,

Steve Reed said...

I had trouble formatting my blog post this morning, too. I think Blogger made some more changes. I'm not sure I like them!

I've heard of growing veg like that, suspended from buckets, but we've never tried it. Maybe we should!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I wish we could get Leave it to Beaver on our channels. It's one of my favorite series. I like Andy G. too but I've watched those shows so much that I know them by heart! lol Cute little grandson photo. I love his name! Enjoy your afternoon!

Nani said...

Thankfully it's a good enough day that I can actually type! We've had a lot of rainy days and when the barometric pressure is low I can hardly do anything with my hands. So usually I read but can't comment. Today you can comment!

I guess I should check out I'm starting to run very low on hand sanitizer. When my aides RN, which is four days a week, I go through a lot of hand sanitizer. Actually we go through a lot when it's just David and me. He works from home most of the time but there are still times his job takes them out of the house and he's very careful. If he wasn't I think my doctor might kick him out of the house!

I love the picture of Xander. He is an absolute sweetie! Edna, I definitely know what you mean about "no bugs on me!" A few weeks ago I completely freaked out because I felt something moving on one of my legs and there was a little spider crawling towards my foot! I can't move my legs and I couldn't reach the spider to smack it. When I screamed David got to freak out. Not a nice thing to do to an essentially paralyzed arachnophobia. I kind a wish this nasty virus would attack bugs instead of people.

I really hope that things can get back to normal after the fall with schools. I'd like the fact that there are schools doing online classes and protecting students but at the same time there's so much to interacting with other students, and like you said enjoying the college life, there really is part of having the great memories but also learning better because you get to interact. Even the younger kids are actually all wanting to go back to school because they miss their friends.

Have a blessed day, my friend!

Hugs, Nani