Thursday, June 4, 2020

Let It Rain, Let It Rain, Let It Rain

June 4, 2020

Good morning.  Tis sunny and warm.  Today we should be getting up into the mid eighties.  I'm not sure where the rain went that my phone app said was coming yesterday.  I wish it would get here.  We certainly need it.  My two new plants are gasping for a drink, so today I'll take some water out to them.  

I'm still trying to learn my way around this new Blogger.  One thing it brought me is a lot of spam comments.  It is harder now to get rid of them too.  What were the folks at Blogger thinking when they decided to change everything?  I would revert back to the old version, but I'm going to need all this time to learn how to cope with this new stuff.  According to Blogger, the old version will no longer be here by the end of July.  

I don't like change, but I'm stubborn.  I will not let this mess get the best of me.  I will lick it!  (If I change my mind, I'll let you know.)

There must be rain somewhere nearby because my right hand and arm are really sore today. My arthritis usually hurts most when rain is coming.  It normally stops hurting so much once the rain gets here.  

I was hoping to do a bit of crocheting today, but I can't till that rain gets here.  Last night I almost finished the light grey neck warmer set.  I think there's only about ten or twelve more rows to go on it.  Ah well, maybe I can finish it tonight.  I'm really hoping to start and finish the next blue set this week, then I'll be done with them for a while.

I borrowed this image from the web to share a new scam.  I thought this was worth passing along. 

I also borrowed this image because it definitely is a good lesson to pass along.  Too many adults think it is so cute when the little ones pester and annoy their dogs.  It is NOT funny or amusing.  It is animal abuse.

Now I think I'll grab a cold bottle of water and do a bit of blog reading.  So, till tomorrow, Y'all stay safe and have a fantabulous day.

Hugs, Edna B.


Theresa said...

The weather forecast is for rain here this afternoon and I am fine with that! I plan on staying in today and catching up on chores from being out of town. I knew the DON'T SAY YES to strangers on the phone, great to share for those who don't know. Enjoy your day dear friend! HUGS!

wisps of words said...

Sorry I have not yet been able to sit down, and do a reply, to your e-mail. I see your pics though, and will try to figure it out. Busy with appointment, and picking up To Go Grocery Order, today. -smile-

Thank you for weighing in on my blog.

Will be hot here today, and I need to use the rhubarb, for a pie. Eeeeek! But can't let it go to waste.

Gentle hugs...

Steve Reed said...

I've just switched over to the new Blogger. I agree, it takes some getting used to! I'm trying to keep an open mind!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm glad you passed along that scam about saying yes. I don't usually answer the phone if I don't know the number calling but this is GREAT info to have! Better to be prepared!!! Hugs!

LV said...


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

In recent days, Edna, I also have been spammed by the same individual. I agree that it seems different to delete spam comments with the new blogger interface, but I always delete them immediately. TOo bad some folks don't have anything better to do than be annoying. Hope you get some rain soom, as it bypassed us as well yesterday and last night.

Beth Reed said...

I hate the new Blogger Edna. I don't even had the edit pencil. I was finally able to find a blog I started th4e other day and was able to update it but I do not like it.

I hope that you get the rain you need. Here it is hot and dry and today was really miserable.

Thanks for the scam warning. I have heard that scam before but it is always good to see it again as a reminder... Hugs, xxxx

smiekeltje said...

Once you know how to do it, it doesn;t seem so difficult anymore in Blogger ROFL. It is just havint to learn how to do all, that is annoying and frustrating at times too.
I'm not yet very pleased about the changes.

Nice you have some good weather, only pity your arm hurts because of coming rian.
We have here some really fresh temperatures of around 13-14C, and some rain too. Not my weather.

take it easy, bring your plants that are in need some water, they will be greatful and will blossom more. Give them a good soak and if they are in pots, give them a bit of extra feed every week or so.
Have a wonderful day.

P.S. What will you have for dinner today??? I am having pizza. Has been long time ago that I had that.LOL