Thursday, January 14, 2021

One Day At A Time

January 14, 2021

Good morning.  I want to thank everyone for your caring thoughts and wishes.  It means a great deal to me and is helping me to get through each day.  My Pogo was such a precious little bundle of happiness and joy.  His passing has left a huge hole in my heart.   I am so glad that I finally made a Pogo calendar.  I've wanted to do it for quite a while, and I'm just so glad that I finally did it.  

I'm still floundering about a bit.  It's going to take me a while to get back on track and I'm working on it.  I've been searching online for a mask that I might be able to wear long enough to keep a doctor appointment.  I found a couple and ordered them.  One just came and I'll try to use it for a little while each day to see how it works out.  

Yesterday, Deanne came for lunch and brought a spinach pizza with her.  Oh yum.  It didn't take us long to make short order of that pizza!  You know what's amazing?  If you buy a spinach pizza from ten different pizza shops, you'll get ten different versions of spinach pizza.  The ones with the most spinach on them taste the best.

On Tuesday afternoon, my "Ring" was chiming so I checked it.  Across the street, behind the houses and trees, the sun was starting to go down.  It was shining through trees and lighting up my porch with beautiful rays of light.  So I saved one of the photos that showed up on the "Ring."  

Once the sun went down, the sky was a beautiful coral color.  I took this photo with my cell phone.

After that, my "Ring" stopped working.  The battery died.  ????  I thought it was supposed to last quite a bit longer.  Ah well, thank goodness I bought an extra battery for it.  I took it out and plugged it in to charge.  Yesterday, before Deanne left, she switched the batteries for me.  

Today I'll leave you with a favorite recording by Willie Nelson.  It's called "It's Not Something You Get Over, But It's Something You Get Through."  He may be talking about people, but to me it's anyone or anything we love.

Till next time, Y'all stay safe and have a fantabulous day.

Hugs, Edna B.


John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

So sorry to read about Pogo. Willie'll help you get through.

Suemn said...

Hi Edna, I'm glad to hear that you had the calendar made of Pogo. You take care and remember the good times with him. He looked to be such a darling little companion for you. I wonder if the Ring battery will last longer when it is warmer outside. Maybe the cold weather drains the battery faster.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Nice to read a post from you, Edna. I am so honored that I have one of the calendars featuring Pogo. Thank you again, my friend. Also, you got some lovely images from your front door.

Deanna said...

Loved the Willie Nelson song. Haven't heard it before. Was a blessing.

Theresa said...

Oh my friend. We all loved Pogo:(. I know your heart is hurting. Your pictures are beautiful and I am so happy that you made a Pogo calendar. Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way.

smiekeltje said...

So happy you found strength to make a post again. Of course Pogo will be missed and for longer time it will be strange not having him around.

Good idea of Deanne to bring you that pizza, in such time comfort food is doing a lot of good!

Strange that that battery already is flat, although you bought the RING new. You will have to see if the new placed one will last for a longer time, I do hope so.

Have a wonderful day, wishing you lots of strength. Stay safe(good you found some masks that will feel you confortable wearing them)