Tuesday, November 9, 2021

A Beautiful Autumn Day

November 9, 2021

Good morning.  Tis sunny with temps reaching the mid sixties today.  We need to enjoy today because tomorrow the temps start cooling down again.  

Yesterday I did not get anything wrapped, but I did start to make a list of what I still have to shop for.  And I paid a batch of bills.  You know, as soon as I put the bills out for the mailman this morning, the new mail came bringing with it more bills.  It's amazing how we never run out of bills.

Today I'm not making any plans.  Although, I would like to cook a pot of pasta. You know, the day I run out of pasta and popsicles will be a very grim day for me.  

Here's an image that I found on the web.  It sort of fits my daily situations just fine.  If I manage to accomplish just one thing a day, then I can be happy with that.  

Why do we procrastinate?  I know I have to sew some pocket on to the wraps, yet I procrastinate.  I've done this with every wrap that I've made.  What is it about sewing the pockets on that bothers me?  Some things are strange and just can't be explained.  Do any of you have this problem too?

Let me finish this post with a beautiful image that I found on the web.  

Now I'm off to enjoy some blog reading.  So, till Thursday, Y'all stay safe and have a fantabulous day.  

Hugs, Edna B.


smiekeltje said...

Why do we procfatinate things? Don;t know, but I do too. Perhaps because we don;t like that particular job too much, or just not for any reason , we just o it.
It is a strange things, but I can livewith it.
I love pasta too, although I don;t cook it too often, it isn;t Jan's favourite.
Weather here was dull, grey, and just qround 10-11C, felt colder.
I wanted to wrap some things today too, but I didn't at the end. Tomowwor is a good day for it, perhaps, hahahaha.
Have a lovely day,

Theresa said...

Good morning, it is getting cooler here too. I have days when it starts out to be productive and fizzles out:) Love the fallen leaves picture. SO true and we sure have lots of leaves dancing around my home. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Edna, we all procrastinate in one way or another, myself included. Sometimes, it’s getting up early to go to the gym, which is thankfully in the next mill building and an indoors walk😀Blog posting is also something that gets waylaid when I get sidetracked with other projects. Leaves dancing as they flutter down are always beautiful sights and shuffling in them is one of the joys of walks outdoors on crisp fall days. I am planning to do that later today before the rain arrives all day on Friday. Your mention of pasta has me thinking about it for dinner tonight.

Steve Reed said...

I think doing everything that needs to be done is overrated. It's always good to have some things on the list for the future!