Thursday, December 10, 2020

Yesterday Was A Busy Day

December 10, 2020

Good morning.  The sun is shining and today we may get up to forty two degrees.  A warming trend for a few days.  I'll take it!  

I've been fighting off a cold for a while now.  (and losing the battle)  My poor nose runs constantly and I have to buy the tissues with lotion in them so my nose won't turn bright red.  You know, sometimes I think dealing with a broken bone is a lot easier than dealing with a head cold.  

First, let me share that a reader informed me yesterday that the drain cleaner that I mentioned does not work.  Thank you.  I found an item on Amazon that does work.  It's called The Green Gobbler Drain Clog Dissolver.  I don't like using chemicals, but I can't have a drain that does not clear.  So last night I used this and voila!  My drain finally cleared.  

I spent some time yesterday on the phone trying to find a better rate for my car insurance.  I finally went to The Hartford, an AARP company, and they saved me at least $500.  So I switched over to them.  Now my car is all set for next year.

Then I came across an article titled "Is it worth getting my PhD?  Or should I just settle for my Masters degree?"  This was interesting because for many years, I wanted to pursue a PhD degree.  The thing that stopped me was whether or not I really needed it or did I just want it.  

I came to the conclusion that I did not need the degree, I enjoy learning and wanted it to see if I could do it.  I guess a lot of other folks feel the same way.  However, statistics show that the folks who got their PhD degree made a lot more money in their lifetime than the folks with just the Masters degree.  Hmmm, food for thought.

Today I thought I'd show you the book that I did not order, but kept and paid for.  I'm always interested in natural medicine and healing herbs.  Here's a picture of the cover of the book and a page from inside.

I've looked up "colds" in the index.  There are nineteen pages listed, so I'll be busy looking them all up this afternoon.  

Now I'm off to do a bit of blog reading.  So, till tomorrow, Y'all stay safe and have a fantabulous day.

Hugs, Edna B.


smiekeltje said...

Well, I don;t like using too much chemicals either, but for a drain sometimes you need too and I am glad your drain works again.
Sorry to hear you have caught a cold, it's not nice to have a nose that runs and get's red. But good it is only a head cold and not more!
Could be an interesting book, because lots of issues can be solved or eased by natural medicin.

We've had a cold day here today, so i stayed inside and actually didn't do very much. Tomorrow I will be more active again LOL.

Have fun reading your new book, and have a lovely day. Hope your cold will be gone very soon.

smiekeltje said...

P.s. Great find of you that other insurance company. Gosh, it saves you a lot of money!

Kathy said...

Joe swears by Green Gobbler and uses it in our pipes. We have never had a problem with it and it really does work. Hope you feel better quickly. I hate a runny nose.