Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Matching Cold Records

May 13, 2020

Good morning.  I'm hoping this cold spell is going to break pretty soon.  The nights are pretty cold.  On the news this morning, it said that we had matched a record for low temps that was set one hundred years ago.  I brought my hanging plant indoors, but the other plant was too heavy for me to pickup.

The sun is shining and today's temps should get up into the mid fifties.  I'd like it better if it were in the mid seventies.  Ah well, at least the sun is shining.

Last night I finished the green neck warmer set but I did not start another set.  For some reason, the arthritis in my right hand has been acting up rather wickedly.  I've been putting the hemp cream on it, but so far it only seems to work for a short while.

Yesterday I finally got to read my February issue of America's 1st. Freedom magazine, and found a really interesting article.  Did you know that nine of our Presidents have been, or are, members of the NRA? They are:  Taft, Grant, Teddy Roosevelt, Eisenhower, J.F. Kennedy, Nixon, George H.W. Bush and Trump.   Several of them were/are lifetime members. George H.W. Bush resigned his    membership in 1995

There were eight republicans and one democrat.  I found this very interesting, considering all the goings on about our 2nd amendment rights and whether or not we should be allowed to keep our arms to protect ourselves.

Today I thought I'd share some photos that I took a few days ago.  This first photo is my lilacs.The second photo is the tiny violets that cover a good portion of my yard.

This next photo is my little guy keeping an eye on me to make sure I don't go anywhere without taking him with me.

I'm not sure what I'll do today.  It all depends on what my right hand will allow.  I can still watch my old TV programs though so I'm good.  Now I must go and bring the mail in.  So, till tomorrow, Y'all stay safe and have a fantabulous day.

Hugs, Edna B.


Theresa said...

I hope your arthritis gets better SOON! Love your blooms and POGO is too cute! Our temps are still a little cool this morning but are gonna warm up quickly! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

wisps of words said...

Good news for you!!!! We are warmer today. And our weather will be coming east to you, soon!!!!!!!!! -smile-

Oh no, don't try to lift that heavy plant. Don't want to hurt your back!!!! Speaking as someone who is still suffering, off and on, from a time I hurt my back.

And if there had been such an organization as the NRA, at the time of the Founding of our Beloved Country, the Founding Fathers would have been members too. Can you imagine George Washington, lobbying for getting rid of the 2nd Amendment? When he, and the others _knew_ first hand, that citizens can not be stripped of their Right, to protect themselves, from Tyranny?!? Did they not rid themselves of the Tyranny of England????

Does anyone believe that the quest for Power, has died out, over the years? Do you believe that there are _none_, who would _enslave_ you? If they gained enough Power?

Human nature does not change. Neither should the Right to Protect Ones self, from Tyranny, change. In the naive hope, that all men will be Good.

Gentle hugs,

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I hope that your hand is feeling less achy, Edna. I can understand the ache as I have been having similar issues with my right arm and shoulder. Taking an OTC med works for awhile, but I try not to overdo and only use no more than 2 a day. My condition is hereditary as my late mother had the same health issues. Some days are better than others for all of us. Yes, it has been unseasonably chilly and windy here in Nashua, NH as well and Spring seems to have paid a brief 1-2 day visit and regtreated. Sure hope warmer temps return and soon, don't you?

My Tata's Cottage said...

I saw the snapshot of Pogo. Do you know Susan at Ash Tree Cottage? Her blog featured her little Yorkie Bentley . She lost him due to old age but she has a pup named Oliver. It would make you smile to see another Yorkie lover. It is funny how our pets are actually as important as our own blood. The pups here are enjoying the nice weather but we had a cold spell or two this past week. Rainy and gloomy and cold. Good thing we left the electric blankets on our bed. HeeHeeHee! I think you would enjoy meeting Susan. She has gone through some really difficult health issues and she is so incredibly positive and kind. Oh the Bush family, argh.......nothing else to say but stop trampling on all our liberties. Funny how certain people think their lives are more valuable then others, and the masses follow like bobble head dolls.
Ah...sigh, have a good week and stop by to visit Susan if you haven't already. HUGS

Buttercup said...

I've had arthritis in my left hand and it's been pretty painful. I've cut down on vegetable chopping because of it. I'm going to use one of my topical pain relievers tonight to see if I'm better tomorrow. Hope we're both doing better.

smiekeltje said...

Sorry to hear about your arthritis Could be you did too much chrocheting. Give it a rest for a while. Could knit something help? It is another movement from the hand.
We too have still cold weather here. Not nice at all. I want to be ablt to open the garden doors and sit there and enjoy the sun and flowers and all.
May be next week it will be better, let's hope so.
Love the photo of your little guy, keeping a good eye on you, so you don;t disappear suddenly LOL!
Oh, if temps stay a bit too cold during nights, you could wrap the heavier one in some fleece or newspaper sheets.
Have a lazy HAND day, hahaha, and lots of hugs

Laurel Wood said...

Hi dear friend, Pogo is so sweet and I love the lilac blooms. Hope you will have a blessed weekend and that your hand feels better soon. Mildred