Monday, May 11, 2020

My Day Was Simply Awesome

May 11, 2020

Good morning.  Tis sunny and 59F degrees.  Shortly though, temps should be dropping a bit and bringing rain.  At least yesterday was nice, even if it was a bit windy.  To start my day, I got to chat with all my kids.
Then Deanne and Eddie came by bearing gifts.  Along with a bag full of goodies, they brought me a Tropicana rose bush (orange) which Eddie planted in the garden for me.     

They also brought me a gift from Jazzy.  It's the first one she framed.  Do I feel honored?  You betcha!

Next, DIL Janet came by with another beautiful plant.  Deanne helped her set it up on the wrought iron planter.

It was all so wonderful.  And yes, we kept our distances. 

After everyone left, I snacked on some yellow Peeps and chocolate cherries while I did a couple puzzles on my laptop.  Then Pogo and I topped the day off with a nice nap.  My day was simply awesome. 

I get weekly e-letters from the facility where my youngest daughter Laura Jean lives.  During this whole time that we've all been dealing with Covid-19, not one of the residents at this facility has gotten sick.  Can you believe that?  I am so grateful to these wonderful folks for the loving care that Laura Jean gets.  According to the doctors, many years ago, she wasn't supposed to make it to one year.  She's fifty four now.  God Bless her and her caretakers.

Now I'm off to do a bit of blog reading.  So, till tomorrow, Y'all stay safe and have a fantabulous day.

Hugs, Edna B.


wisps of words said...

Delightful Day!!!!!!!!

You, and everyone, and everything else, looks awesome!!!

No matter that today is gloomy!!!!!

Gentle hugs,

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Glad to hear you managed to have such a nice day despite all the difficulties we're now living under.

Steve Reed said...

Glad you had a great day! The plants are terrific! You'll have to share some photos of that rose when it blooms.

smiekeltje said...

What a fantastic day you had! And lovely presents and you are looking great, mask or no mask!!!
And roses are always wonderful to have, and more wonderful in the garden! With some luck you will have flowers every year!
Have a great day today too!