Sunday, May 3, 2020

Trying A New Way To Post

May 3, 2020

Tis sunny and rather nice outside today.  Do you suppose Spring is really trying to bring us some warmer temps.  I surely hope so.

Yesterday afternoon, I woke up to a lovely surprise.   Deanne and Eddie came  by and hung a beautiful Begonia plant on my porch.  The colors are gorgeous.  

Later, Deanne sent me a photo that she had just taken with her phone.  Wowsie!   What a beautiful photo!  When you zoom in on it, you can even see some details on the moon.

Today, I'm typing on notepad, and cutting and pasting the words over to this page.   I hope this works.  It does  take a bit longer to do, but if it works, then so be it.  Thank you Steve for the suggestion.

I wish I could figure out why my page keeps erasing, it's really driving me crazy.  Maybe when the computer repair shop re-opens, I can ask them to find out why this happens.  

Remember the beautiful little rose plant that Deanne gave me for Valentine's Day?   Well, all the blossoms finally fell off, but now it is blossoming again.  What a beautiful rose!

Today I've been watching the oil painting classes, and the sewing classes on TV.  Sunday morning is for crafters.  They do quilting, sewing, knitting and crocheting.  It's really quite interesing.  I'll most
likely spend quite a bit of time today working on my crochet projects.  It will be December before we know it.

Yesterday, I never turned on my laptop, so now I have some blog reading to catch up on.  On that note, I'll take my leave.  So, till tomorrow, Y'all stay safe and have a fantabulous day.

Hugs, Edna B.


A Brit in Tennessee said...

What pretty flowers, and such a kindness of your folks to gift you with that pot of flowers.
I was going to suggest writing your posts and then copy and paste into your blog, that way, if they disappear you can still have them in a different format.
It's puzzling.
Have yourself a lovely Sunday Miss Edna, it's going to be a hot one for us :)

wisps of words said...

What a delightful surprise! Do love begonias!!!!

Glad this new way of posting, is working for you!!! How nice, to have someone suggest something. And even nicer, if it words.

And thank you for finding a way, to keep posting!!!! -smile-

That moon photo is lovely. Sweet of her, to share it, with you.

Spring here tooooo!!!!! Sun and warmer temps. Can almost watch the buds bursting forth on trees, and getting bigger!


Dee Jaynes said...

I’m so happy the little rose came back to life- it’s so pretty. Love you Mom <3

Theresa said...

You know I love roses and that one is SO pretty! I hope your new way works, gotta keep you blogging:) Enjoy your SPRINGY day dear friend, HUGS!

Steve Reed said...

Oh, good, I'm glad the Notepad method is working for you! It's a temporary solution, at least. Fingers crossed that the computer store can sort the problem out.

Buttercup said...

Love seeing your pretty plants, especially the begonia. I enjoyed seeing geraniums planted in one of the street beds, so colorful in red and white. It made me start thinking that a few geranium plants are just what I need to perk up my apartment. Take care and have a good Sunday!

Quiltingwiththefarmerswife said...

That is so very thoughtful to bring begonias!
Love the color of your you know the name? It's beautiful.
We've had nice weather 80's but it's going to get HOT next week.....mid 90's. That's life in So. Ca. just hope it cools down again until July. At that point, I keep telling myself fall is only a few months away. Love the cooler temps.Patty McDonald

smiekeltje said...

Good idea from Steve! It might take a bit longer but better than having to type all over again, and again.
Sweet surprise from Deanne and Eddie. And how gorgeous is that rose!!!
Now good weather to it and all is almost well.