Friday, May 8, 2020

Happy Anniversary Deanne And Eddie

May 8, 2020

Good morning.  Well, today is our last nice day till the middle of next week.  Later today and tonight we have rain and snow coming, along with colder temps.  My lilacs looked pretty good yesterday, so I hope this doesn't hurt them.

This has been "Be kind to animals" week.  I would hope that folks would be kind to animals every week, and teach your children to treat animals kindly.

Yesterday was Deanne and Eddie's anniversary.  Wow, has it really been forty years?  I love you both and I wish you many more wonderful years together.  Happy Anniversary!

Deanne made this collage of her and Eddie throughout the years.  Here's a photo taken on St. Patrick's Day.  (last year)

Today I need to work on putting my next blog book together.  I have a 35% off coupon, but it expires Sunday.  I try not to waste these great coupons.  First, I have to take my new hanging plant outside and hang it up on the porch.  The nights are really quite cool so I bring it indoors.

It was so nice out yesterday that I took my camera and walked around the yard, taking photos of my plants.  Later today, I'll crop a few of them to share here on Sunday.  And because Sunday is Mothers' Day, I'm posting another "Mom's" coloring page from Dover.

It's time now to get started on this new day. So, till tomorrow, Y'all stay safe and have a fantabulous day.

Hugs, Edna B.


wisps of words said...

Congratulations to Deanne and Eddie!!!!!!!

Oh yes, be kind to animals! And teach your children thus. I always love to see rescued pets. So wonderful, to have given them a good home. Love our next door's son's family's little 'Lilly'! A rescue of course. As are their 2 cats.

Glad you took your hanging plants in! We seem to have about the same weather. Although you may be getting more "ick", over your way, this coming weekend... Time will tell. If the dreaded *S N O W* word, will come. Here or there.

Good you took pics of your plants.

Have fun with the blog book making...

Gentle hugs,

Theresa said...

Happy Anniversary to Deanne and Eddie! Beautiful couple, 40 years flies right by! I hope you have a wonderful day! The weather doesn't sound perfect but at least you don't have to get out in it. HUGS!

Steve Reed said...

We're about to get a cold snap, too. I think most of the plants we grow are pretty well adapted to this climate, though, so I'm not too worried!

smiekeltje said...

Congrats to Deanne and Eddie!!!!!! wow, 40 years! Terrific.
we will have some colder days too, tomorrow will still be like early summer, so we will be in the garden a lot I think.
Time to watch some tv now and have a coffee.
Stay safe.

Barbara said...

Happy Anniversary to your daughter and son-in-law. Forty years is a wonderful blessing and accomplishment in today's world. They make a beautiful couple.

Like you, our weather won't be suitable for the outdoors (heavy rain), but that does not diminish my joy in knowing the Lord has blessed me with great children.

Happy Mother's Day weekend to you.