Sunday, May 24, 2020

Awards Galore

May 24, 2020

Good morning.  The sun is shining, but it is a bit cool, only 51F degrees.  Today will only make it up to the mid fifties..  At least it is sunny.  I can feel in my bones that today will be a lazy day.  I need a bit more warmth to get energetic.  I've finished the orange neck warmer set and started another green set.  So I guess that's what I'll be doing today.

I gathered up all the awards that Jazzy got this past week and put them all in one layout.  Top left, the  Massasoit Key Award.  In recognition of your leadership, satisfactory academic progress, and unselfish contribution to this College and the Community of which we are a part, Massasoit Community College bestows its highest honor for service and dedication.  Top center, the Key.

Top right, Massasoit Community College Equity Award.  This is a new award and Jazzy is the only one to get it.  In recognition of your advocacy for equity, diversity, inclusion, and access to serve this College of which we are a part, Massasoit Community College bestows this honor for supporting initiatives to create awareness and educate the College community.

Bottom left, Commonwealth of Massachusetts State Senate Official Citation.  In recognition of your Academic Excellence and Induction Into the 2020 Phi Theta Kappa All-Massachusetts Academic Team.  Bottom right, Letter of Congratulations, and acknowledging regret that he was not able to present the Citation to her in person, from Michael D. Brady, State Senator, 2nd Plymouth and Bristol District.

Yesterday, Deanne and Eddie came by with my grocery shopping.  Woo Hoo!  Now I have a new stock of treats!  This week, the bakery had the apple turnovers that I love.  Yum!  Of course, I had to eat one of them before supper.  I find that my supper goes down much tastier when I eat a treat first.  Don't you? 

The white cotton gloves that I had ordered arrived Friday afternoon.  I tried them out that evening and they worked out very well.  Yesterday, my new blog book came in the mail.  I'll take a photo to share here tomorrow. 

The irises in my little garden are loving this warmer sunshine and are blossoming.  Oh my, they are yellow and oh so pretty.  I'll take a photo this afternoon to share tomorrow.  I'll have to take a walk to the other side of the house to see if any of the irises out there are getting ready to bloom.  If they are, I'll get a few photos.

This weekend there are some marathons on TV so I think I'll be watching them while I crochet.  I think I'll wake Pogo up and let him go out on the porch and bark at a few squirrels before settling down to watch TV.  He needs his exercise too.

Before I do that, let me share a really cute picture that was borrowed from the web.  Sometimes our squirrels come right up to my porch and sit on the top of the gate to let me know that they could use some more food.  This picture reminds me of them.

Now I'm off to make a hot cup of cocoa.  So, till tomorrow, Y'all stay safe and have a fantabulous day.

Hugs, Edna B.


A Brit in Tennessee said...

Those awards are quite the achievements ! Congratulations Jazzy.
It's nice that you are able to stay home and have your groceries delivered. My daughter offered to do that for us, but sadly she is on lock-down herself having been exposed at the dentist of all places :(
Stay well Ms. Edna, and hope you have a lovely weekend.

wisps of words said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! To your wonderful "Grand"!!! Now, is she graduating, in the Class of 2020? Our next door Grand daughter is.

Isn't it lovely, to have family, who does our food order pick up?????? Yes, we are very lucky. -smile-

Hooray, you got white cotton gloves! I'm sure they will work much better, for putting the cream on. Did you ever do this, when you were younger? Put hand cream and cotton gloves on, at night? -smile-

You may have replied, here, on your comments, to when I asked this before. But I don't return, to look for replies, in a person's blog. If I reply to a question, I do it, on the person's blog comment place. And say: "Re...what you asked me..." -smile-

Oh mercy, you do have *cheeky* squirrels!!!!!!!! lol

Open up, please.
In my country.
With masks/distancing.
Compromised people,
Stay home!

Dee Jaynes said...

I’m so proud of Jazzy mom- she amazes me everyday . I’m dreading August when she leaves for college :(

smiekeltje said...

Lovely awards and Deanne and Eddie and you and all family, are right to be proud of her. "To Deanne: Jazzy leaves for College, but she will be home a lot too and she will cope well, I am sure"

I don;t have irisses in my garden I love the flowers, but I hate it when they have bloomed and all there is left is their leaves, which have to die, so they can bloom again. It is the same a bit with tulips too. We should plant them somewhere where they are covered later by a bush or other plants, but that is difficult.
Oh well, there are lots of other pretty flowers.

Good idea to have Pogo go on the porch and hopefully he will see some squirrels to bark to. It will make him feel important as guardian LOL!

It is great to have something to look forward too as your treat!
Hope there will be left some of it for later this week??????

Think I will walk to the florist nearby and see if they have some nice annuals that we can put into a container or two(we still have containers left empty, so.........).
It isn;t far to walk to, and the weather is nice.
May be I even find some energy to do some housekeeping????? Or may be that will be for tomorrow??? ROFL.

Have a lovely day!

Theresa said...

WOW Jazzy, that' a lot of awards! Congrats! It is going to be another hot day here. Feeling a lot like Summer! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Belated congrats to Jazzy on all of her well deserved awards and thanks for sharing, Edna. Her family is duly proud and rightfully so as good news is always good right now🙂 Glad that you and Pogo can get out and enjoy some nice weather now. We have lots of purple irises blooming at the small park near the mill apts.