Good morning. Today is Mothers' Day, and I'm wishing a beautiful day to all the mothers and fur baby moms everywhere. It's not very warm today but the sun is shining, so it's a great day to take a walk and enjoy the fresh air.
Most folks won't be able to hug Mom and give her flowers because of the virus, but just hearing your voice on the phone will be so much more enjoyable. Trust me. Just hearing your children tell you that they love you makes your heart smile with pride and happiness.
While we were in Florida back in March, Audrey started working on a Mothers' Day gift for her friend, Miss Bea. I've been holding these two photos to share with you today. This shawl is quite lovely, and I'm sure Miss Bea is going to treasure it.
Neither of us had used any of the new yarn cakes so Audrey bought three of them to make this shawl The colors don't repeat exactly like variegated yarn, but they do work up rather pretty. I'll have to try
it too one of these days.
it too one of these days.
The other day when I was walking around my yard to see what is growing, I got a really wonderful surprise. My Blossoming Cherry Tree was in full bloom. Wowsie! What a beautiful sight. I remember the day when we planted this tree. It was only as tall as the fence, and quite "twiggy" looking. But, oh my, just look at it now!
This morning, I'm watching the Rhode Island PBS station. They've just been showing a beautiful farm of conifers (trees) and how to plan your garden and plant these trees. This is the same program where I get to watch the oil painting classes and the sewing programs.
I love these kinds of programs. A while ago, my friend Kyra sent me some links to some web sites about beautiful gardens. One of these sites showed how to make new rose plants. I'm definitely going to try this once it gets warmer and I'm able to get outdoors. Later, I'll dig out those web addresses to post here for anyone interested.
In a little while, when the temps get up into the mid forties, I'll hang my plant back outside for a few hours. In a few days, I'll be able to leave it outside all day and night. Hopefully, that's when the warmer temps will be coming back to stay.
Now I'm going to refresh my cup of coffee and enjoy some blog reading. Let me once again wish all you ladies a beautiful Mothers' Day. So, till tomorrow, Y'all stay safe and have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
That shawl is a beautiful color and in fact it matches your cherry tree, doesn't it? Despite the weather you have a springtime theme going on!
Happy Mother's Day to you my friend! We can't all be together but thanks to the internet/phones we can have the next best thing! I love you flowering cherry tree, it's a beauty! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!
Happy Mother's Day to you sweet lady !
The shawl is just beautiful, and colorful, I'm sure she will be thrilled with her gift.
The flowering cherry tree is so pretty.
Hoping your day is filled wit much loveliness.
Lovely shawl... "My" kind of colors. -smile-
Both of us are so lucky, to have (grown) children, who are taking care of "getting things" for us, during this COVID-19 horror. We are so very lucky, and for me, that's all I need for Mother's Day. -smile-
I never "put much stock in" Dayyyyyys. Like this one and Valentine's Day and etc., etc. We are not a.... lots of cards and etc. family. It makes life simpler. -smile-
Oh do keep me posted, about your hanging plant! I think about this, when alerting our family next door, to frost warnings!!!! -smile- I do! I think about Miss Edna's pretty hanging plant!
And let me say, before I forget it again.....! I am so very happy to have Net-Met you. You are a Dear and a Sweet and a Lovely Blogger. So happy to be chatting with you, in Pretty Blog Land!!!!!!
Lots of gentle hugs,
Sending you best wishes for a very Happy 💐 Mother's Day, Miss Edna. You are so right in saying that the phones and technology can keep everyone connected even in these times when meeting in person is not possible. The flowering cherry tree is beautiful as is the shawl. The weather is un-spring like here with windy and chilly conditions and some snow flurries on Sat morning!
Love the beautiful shawl! Heard from my goddaughter which was my treat for the day and had a great phone catch-up with my best friend from fifth grade. Thanks for sharing your cherry tree beauty.
That cherry tree looks so pretty!
Gives the heart a happy feeling.
And of course a Happy Mother's day to you, my friend!
The shawl Audrey made looks wonderful. Nice soft colors.
Glad you liked some of the garden links. I've made some cuttings from roses too just yesterday. Now just have to wait if it will work. I did last year too, just a cutting in a pot with soil and wait. And two of them did get roots and are now growing in the garden! How wonderful is that!
Today's weather isn't great, much lower tempes and harrd wind.
Completely different from two days ago.
Now I will wake up Jan( gave him some extra wink time LOL) and we will have coffee.
Have a lovly day.
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