Friday, June 17, 2022

New Words

June 17, 2022

Good morning.  Today is sunny with clouds, and temps will be near eighty degrees.  Another nice day for sitting outside.  And I will be after I finish using my laptop.

I learned another new word this morning.  Vyepti.  What is it?  It's a prescription drug used to help prevent migraine episodes in adults.  I often wonder how they come up with the names for all the new drugs.  Vyepti.  Hmmmm.

I have tomatoes beginning on my plant.  Today I'll have to try to get some photos.  This plant is rather thick so I think I'll get quite a few tomatoes.  That would be nice.

Here's a photo I borrowed from the web.  Do you recognize this fellow?

In 1950, when he was just 18, he was drafted into the United States Airforce.  Have you guessed who he is yet?  He's Willie Nelson.  He was quite a handsome young man.

I found this really adorable picture (on the web) of a fox and a rabbit, and thought it really should be shared.  I love how animals get along together so well.

Now it's time for me to enjoy some blog reading.  So, till Monday, Y'all stay safe and have a fantabulous weekend.

Hugs, Edna B.


smiekeltje said...

Oh, already tomatoes growing! I hope my tomatoes will flower soon and then also rpoduce some tomatoes.
We had a very warm day and tomorrow it will be even warmer. So just good for keeping a bit cool, nd not spending too much energy, hahaha.
It's now nice tp be utside for a moment, so I will do that and then come back into the room to watch some tv.
Have a wonderful day and weekend,

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

The photo of a clean-cut Willie is priceless - must've been growing his hair ever since!

Steve Reed said...

Pharmaceutical companies have whole teams of marketing people to come up with names for their drugs. They're usually nonsensical combinations of sounds that supposedly create some feeling in the customer of reliability, strength, effectiveness, that kind of thing.

Beth Reed said...

I would have no idea of how to even begin to pronounce that word. Wow. I am glad for Steves comment on how they do come up with those names.
Great news on the tomatoes. I hope that you have a wonderful crop this year. I would have a hard time not eating them straight off the vine lol.
Here 80F would not be cool. We were in the 80's this morning and I was only out for a few minutes and had to come in and change clothes because mine were wet from sweat, so enjoy while you can. I would love to sit outside on the porch.
I didn't realize today was Father's Day so I had more than a few dads to wish a great day.
You have a wonderful day as well my friend and I love the pic of Willie Nelson. He was handsome indeed. I have met him actually and he is such a polite man. xxxx

Barbara said...

I did not recognize Wllie Nelson without his whiskers and ponytail. Enjoy your weather. It's quite hot in my neighborhood today.