It's a bit gray outside this morning. Hopefully that means we will get a bit of rain today. We really do need some. All the lawns around here have mostly turned brown from lack of water. The weatherman had hinted that today might be a bit wet, so we planned on replacing the floor in my pantry today. It will be a good day for indoor work.
This morning, Moo and I will go shopping for new floor tiles. They have to be special tiles though, because Tootsie cannot walk very well on the smooth floor tiles. Because of her disease, she needs a bit of traction under her rear feet in order to walk around.
Yesterday, I spent quite a bit of time working on getting my next blog book ready for print. I wasn't very successful though, and finally had to call the company for help. I kept running into a snag about how one post in particular was going to be laid out in the book.
Later, I went in to my blog to check that post and got a nasty surprise! The post had completely disappeared! Gone! Poof! This really bothered me, and what's worse is that there is no way to contact blogger to find out what happened. You have to put a posting in their "Help" forum along with thousands of other postings. If you're really lucky someone just might see it and answer it sometime in your lifetime - that's if you can ever find your posted question again.
I received some very sad news this morning. Miss Lori of Lori's Freebie List Blog passed away. This has come as quite a shock. Miss Lori will be greatly missed by scrapbookers and designers around the world. Her blog is being closed Friday, so if you would like to leave condolences, here is her blog address. http://lorisfreebielist.blogspot.com/.
Last night, I worked on, and finished, the Template Challenge. When I was done, I tried uploading it to Photobucket in order to get a link for posting in the forum. Oh boy! More frustration. I kept trying for close to an hour, but Photobucket was all messed up, and nothing could be uploaded. Hopefully, this morning things will be back to normal. Here is my layout for the Template Challenge. All photos used came from Google.

Earlier in the afternoon, I also had finished (and successfully uploaded to Photobucket) my layout for the Song Challenge. We were to make a layout using the lyrics of one of our favorite songs. For the background, I used a photo that I took of the sky on my way to work last Saturday evening around 6:30 p.m. Here's my layout.

Now it's time for me to get dressed and start my day here. There is a lot to do, and besides, the work crew will be here soon. Can't be hanging around in my nightie, now can I? lol. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
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