August 30, 2010
Good morning on this wonderful sunny next to last day of August. At the moment, it's still cool, only about 70 degrees, but then it's only 7:30 am. Give it a couple more hours, and it will be quite toasty outdoors. Yesterday was quite muggy even. The heat probably wouldn't be so bad to deal with if the humidity weren't so high.
This will be a rather short post because I'm still at work with seven and a half more hours before I go home. Sometime today, I have to arrange to put my car in the shop tomorrow to get a new inspection sticker. Plus it is making a funny new noise, and that needs to be checked. Also, tomorrow and Wednesday are Tootsie's chemo treatment days. Looks like another busy week.
Yesterday, I was looking through the coupons that come with the store sale ads in the Sunday paper, and I came across a new product. It's an ointment for diaper rash to protect the baby's skin. But it was the name of the product that caught my eye, "Butt Paste." Honestly!! Now what kind of name is that? I guess it is to make folks curious about the weird name, and then all the moms out there will rush out to buy it. lol.
Want a sneak peak at part of what will be coming your way in just two days? This is a preview of Day 02 of September's new Daily Download kit, "September Song." Hope you like it.

Now I really must get busy here. The Mrs. will be waking soon. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.