Thursday, August 26, 2010

Yeah, The Sun Is Shining Again!!

August 26, 2010
Oh my, this morning is just lovely. The rain has stopped and the sun is shining once again. I have noticed though, that a few of the trees around town have started turning color. I was really hoping it wouldn't start until next month. Also, a lot of leaves have already started falling from the trees. I'm just not ready for Autumn to start.

With all the rain that we've had, much of the yard work had to be put on hold. Maybe if the good weather holds for a while, we can get the fence up and the yard finished. That would be a nice way to close out the summer.

Now that the sun is back, I can make room in my little garden for the beautiful hibiscus plant that Moo bought for me. It's just gorgeous and has huge white blossoms. Once I get it outdoors, I will definitely take some photos.

Today I will share more of the photos I took over the last few days. These little guys sit on my hedge (and sometimes on my windowsill) and look in at me as if they want to tell me something. Of course sometimes, like the last few days, they sit there to keep out of the rain and to fluff their feathers dry.

This next photo is just darling. One little fellow found the perfect spot to keep dry.
There really isn't much more news for today. The past couple of days have been blessedly quiet, thank you. I do have another freebie for you. This one is the second set of Nature Papers. (all the Nature Paper sets were made from my own photos.) I hope you can use them. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
"Nature Papers - Set 002"

1 comment:

Snowy said...

OK ,now I'm jeallous ,lol- we are still having grey and rainy wather here! Make the most out of the sunshine and have a great day -Hugs Snowy