Thursday, September 23, 2021

A Map Quiz

September 23, 2021

Good morning.  And welcome to Autumn.  My phone app says that today will be sunny with temps in the high seventies.  It may even hit eighty degrees for an hour or two.  It sounds like a nice way to say farewell to Summer.

I've been working on my crochet projects and have finished one.  The baby blanket is done.  One of the pocket wraps is done except for the pockets, and the other one has ten more rows to go and then the pockets.  

The package with my new book arrived the other day.  Alas, the package was open and empty.  How can this be?  I called Amazon and explained what has happened.  They would send me another book.  It came yesterday.  I started reading it last night, and it is quite interesting.  

I just wish the print were larger.  I can only read for a little while at a time because the print is so small.  Although I wonder how thick the book would have to be if the print were larger.  There are 367 pages.  In all fairness, the print is most likely only small to me.  

I found an interesting article on the web and downloaded it to share.  Do you know which letter is the only letter not found in any of the names of all the U. S. States?

Here's a close up of the names over on the right side of the map.

I also got a very big box in the mail the other day.  It's the beginning to my holiday shopping.  And I've set aside my holiday cards.  I just need to start addressing the envelopes.  It's not that I'm being early.  It just takes me longer to do things now.  

I found another cute tee shirt on the web.  This is another one that fits me to a tee.  I wonder who thinks up all these awesome designs.

Today I don't have any special plans made.  We'll just see what the day brings.  I've been looking through the new issue of TV Guide, and it appears that there will be another new TV station that will air a lot of the old programs.  "fetv" real family entertainment.  So far, I haven't found any information about this channel or where it will be aired.

Now I'm off to catch up on some blog reading.  So, till tomorrow, Y'all stay safe and have a fantabulous day.  

Hugs, Edna B.

(The answer to the map question is "Q".)


Robyn said...

Hi Edna,
it's finally BEAUTIFUL! here in South Carolina this morning. 70's sunny NO HUMIDITY. I have the windows open and I"m listening to all the birds. Im not fooling myself though I know we still have a swatch of some warm weather to get through but for the next 4 days it's supposed to be just like today and I"ll take it!... We don't have cable TV anymore. We went with internet TV and we have fetv which I love because I love all the old shows and sitcoms. Anything that came on TV after say 1989 is garbage and todays TV is just diabolical so I stick to the old sitcoms and I love watching Turner Classis Movies because I love anything in black and white from the Silents on up to the 1950's. Have a lovely day today Enda!

smiekeltje said...

Your crochet projects advance steadily, what a good girl you are, haha.
I have trouble too reading when the print is very small. The eyes get tired quickly of it.
Here it still is really nice weather, with temperatures of around 19-20 and in the weekend it could reach 22-23C. I don;t mind.
Another wonderful t-shirt you found on the web. Amazing how many funny things people come up with and the designs are often awesome too.
Looking at it it brought me a smile to the face, really.
It's good you found another channel with some tv that you like watching.
Have a lovely day,

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi Edna, it was a shame that the package arrived without the book, but good that Amazon sent you a replacement. Like yourself, I can no longer tolerate small print and appreciate that the Kindle has adjustable font sizes. The calendar says that autumn has arrived, but the temps seem otherwise and are still way too warm for me. The t-shirt was a funny one.

Steve Reed said...

It took me a while to figure out that map question. I was first going to say "X" until I remembered New Mexico, and then "Z" until I remembered Arizona! "Q" was my third guess.