Glory be! There's a ton of snow coming our way. It's working it's way up the Eastern coast, and will be here by tonight and through the night and during the day tomorrow. Rats!!!!! I don't mind a few flakes, but give me a break!! I don't need a foot of snow, especially where there is still more coming during the week. I know I should be thankful it won't be two feet like some other places are getting already. But our weathermen have a reputation for being not quite accurate. If they say a foot, it usually means a foot and a half or worse!!!
I already know that it will be miserable traveling in the morning when I am trying to get home, and I will have a tough time just getting in my own yard, so I have made arrangements for someone who lives closer t0 work to go in for me. However, I do still have to go in tomorrow, most likely several hours early, because it is going to be tough traveling for everybody. Let's hope our plow guy can get here by late morning. Most likely, he will have to come back for another clean up later in the day too.
While looking for some photos to scrap, I came across this article that was printed in the newspaper for Christmas 1995. The newspaper journalist just happened to be in the coffee shop that Chrstmas morning at the same time as when Santa stopped in for a hot cup of coffee. It was cold out that day, and we had been busy making some special deliveries. You know folks, I've been telling everybody for a long time that Santa is my personal friend. I know that some of you don't really believe me, but it's true.
Can you tell, I just love this guy? He has always been so good to me. For many years, he has worked with me to bring lots of joy and happiness to my family and friends, and so many other folks. Hey, Rhoda, does this bring back memories? Those were the days, huh?
I've just been talking with Audrey, and so far they have been getting soaked with scads and scads of rain. She says that later today they may also get snow on top of all the rain. Oh yuck!!!!! When it rains, the long road going in to her house turns into a virtual mud tub. Add some snow to that, and oh dear! Not a pretty site at all.
I also got some bad news today. My friend Kyra has had a bit of trouble with her PC, and has lost everything that was in it. Now she will have to start over re-installing her programs, and trying to re-build her scrap resources. Unfortunately, a lot of her files are gone because they were not backed up yet. So Kyra, if you read this, just tell me what I can do to help you. We all will help, my friend.
Enough of my babbling for today. Before I leave, I will post your freebie, which is the matching QP to yesterday's layout of Santa. I hope you like it. Y'all have a fantastic day now.
Hugs, Edna B.
"Christmas QP - 03"

And here is your download link for "Christmas QO - 03"
When David told me about the snow yesterday, you were the first person I metioned to him. Make sure you stock up on the hot cocoa!
I love the news story picture of you and Santa! The last picture of Santa and me was when I was little, but I do have one that he took of me when I was heling hiom with my nieces' gifts on Christmas Eve 2003. :)
Stay warm!!
Thank you for the beautiful Christmas page.
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 8 post on Dec. 20, 2009. Thanks again.
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