Well, Good Morning, and a snowy one it is!! The snow came here rather late last night, even though some towns near us had already been getting it for a couple of hours. We did get a lot of wind though, during the evening and night just before the snow came.
When Tootsie and I got up at 3:15 for her potty trip, everything outside was covered in snow. So we ambled back to bed for a few more hours snooze. By 7:30 though, it was time to get up and see how bad things were looking outdoors. Well, it wasn't great, but I expected a lot worse.
However, it isn't over yet. The weatherman says this won't stop till later, then we might get more overnight tonight. There's more snow on the horizon for Tuesday and Friday too. Oh joy! Oh joy! I took a few photos so that I might share some of this delightful white stuff with all of you. Especially you, Snowy!!
This little rosebush is right outside my door. Seems like it is pretty whether in bloom or not, but especially pretty when covered with snow or ice. You can see by the background that the snow is still coming down. It looks like an almost whiteout out there. Before taking this photo, I took one through my living room window. It's just a different view, but you can see the snow stuck all over the screen and the whiteout effect.
Do you remember that little rose bush at work that doesn't seem to know when to quit? Well, Friday was bitterly cold out, and yet, when I looked there was this little rose bush still trying to produce a bloom. I could not resist taking yet another photo of it.


If the little rosebud is still there in the morning, I will try to get another photo of it covered with snow. Tomorrow, I will also show you some of the beautiful cards that Miss Tootsie and I have been receiving. Till then, Y'all have a beautiful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
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