Wow, 20 more days till Christmas!!!! I don't know about you, but I can't believe that the whole year is almost over already! Think about it! Just 26 more days till 2010!
Miss Tootsie and I went to bed early last night, and woke up around midnight. So we had ourselves a snack, and then I played on the computer for a few hours. I made a few things for the color challenge kit, and a few more things for the DD kits coming up. Then around 4:30, we went back to bed.
A friend was talking about family holiday traditions, and it make me think of one that we always had. When my children were very small, we had no fireplace mantle (or other suitable place) to hang our stockings on Christmas Eve. So I picked up some empty shoe boxes, and filled them with lots of goodies. Instead of name tags, I would buy dolls (Barbie and GI Joe) and make them new clothes. Each of the girls' dolls would be dressed in that girl's favorite color. Then I would place the dolls on the appropriate shoe box. When the kids got older, I started just putting name tags on the shoe boxes, as they were getting too big for the dolls. The Christmas Shoe Box became a favorite holiday tradition.
This brings back another memory of something that my children did on Christmas morning when they were very young. They would tiptoe downstairs with a pillow and a blanket very early in the morning. After "oohing" and "aahing" at all the goodies under and around the tree, they would crawl in between all the presents and go to sleep. That's how I would find them when I woke up.
Back to the present time. Today I will try to finish up the rest of my holiday cards, so that I can put them in the mail on Monday. I still need to pack a couple more boxes, and hopefully by then I will be just about done. You know, I thought I was almost done about a month ago, but then a few weeks snuck by me, and now it's almost crunch time. I even gave up on my knitted items. They can wait for another occasion next year.
My friends Snowy and Kyra have been so mischievous lately. They have been tempting me with hints and photos, but I WILL be strong!!! I will put everything under the tree (as soon as I get one - the dwarfs have one, but I don't yet), and just look - and maybe poke, or maybe just shake a little bit, might even sniff (you never know!). I will have to make sure Tootsie stays out of them too. She has a new habit of opening things if she thinks there is something in them for her. We make a great pair!! This is how these two try to tempt me!
Now that I have chewed off a good part of your ear, would you like a freebie? Of course you would. Today, I have for you one of the Nut Cracker QP's. But first, let me share one of the photos that I took yesterday. This one was taken through the kitchen window at work. Considering that he was quite a distance away, and through windows, I think the photo is quite nice.
Now, I really must be off to get a few things done around here. Next thing you know, it will be time to start getting ready for work again. Here is your freebie, and Y'all have a fantabulous day now.
Hugs, Edna B.
"Nut Cracker QP - 01"

And here is your download link for "Nut Cracker QP - 01"
Ha ha-nice to know we managed to make you nosey,lol. Don't shake the presents too much by the way,lol.
Hugs Snowy
I AM in crunch time! I’m going to finish out my layout for today and then it’s scrub the kitchen time, the take my ring off before I start cleaning type of scrubbing!
I like the shoebox tradition. We had stockings, but no fireplace when I was little. Mom bought a cardboard fireplace for us to put the stockings by and reminded us that the mayor had given Santa they key to the city so if we didn’t have a fireplace, he could still come in to bring our presents. I had completely forgotten that cardboard fireplace until I read your blog! :)
I love that your kids slept in the presets. Did you get photos or just the pictures in your heart? I love sharing all of our stories of Christmases past with each other at this time of year!!
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 05 Dec [LA 02:00pm, NY 05:00pm, UK 10:00pm] - 06 Dec [OZ 09:00am]).
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 7 post on Dec. 06, 2009. Thanks again.
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