Just seven more days, oh boy, oh boy!! I'll bet children everywhere are getting just a bit antsy now and displaying their best behaviors. Even Tootsie has been on her best behavior. You probably did not know that even the animals love Santa Claus, and anxiously await his arrival. But yes, they do!!
This will be a short post today because I am at work. The Mrs. is still asleep, so I thought I would use this time to make a short post. I have a layout to share that I made last night. This one features a very tired Santa helper. He had been making deliveries all through the night, and was just now getting to sit for a while. Poor darling!
I did make a matching QP for you, but you will have to wait till tomorrow for it because I did not have enough time to make a link. I will do that later when I get home. Special credits for resources used on this layout go to Lady Shannon and BAZ.
Also of note, there is a sale going on at Magickal Scraps today through December 22. This would be a good time to pick up some beautiful kits for your holiday scrapping. Happy shopping!http://www.magickalscraps.com.

I hope it is warm where all of you live, because it is like a freezer here. My car was begging me to just leave it be and not make it work! But alas, I did have to use it. It is much too cold to use my broom for transportation. Just think, only 93 days till Spring. Oh boy! I can't wait!! Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Lol- I love the layout,poor Santa really looks tired there ! How cold is it over there? We have 34 Fahrenheit over here this morning , still to warm for any snow to lay, but some other parts of the country had some last night. It's typical again,lol- just here is nothing.Even Kyra had some snow ! Did my cards arrive yet? I heard from Kyra, Su and Deb in Florida that they got my cards - they were all sent together.Have a great day and see you at the chat tonight -Hugs Snowy
I'm glad Tootsie is being a good girl while waiting for Santa. I love her picture on your Christmas card! I showed it to Kaline and she's anxious for us to get our cards out! (Yours is officially on the way!)
But I'm worried now. Our fur-kids are being much nicer to each other, the hissing is way down. I hope it's not just for Santa and the war will resume on the 26th! :)
I love the layout. Poor pooped Santa! The elves who represent Santa have a very taxing job, don't they?
After dinner, tonight is finally tree night and then the rest of the cards, so I'd better get the stove cleared of baking stuff for when David gets home with his steak!
Oh and Edna... It's 107 days until Spring! The Red Sox open on April 4! :)
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