Well, I got to play a bit with my new lens yesterday, and I was just thrilled with it. However, I still need a good long zoom for taking my bird pictures. I have a nice one, but it does not have image stabilization. My hands are not as steady as they used to be, so I do need this feature.
I kept looking for that turkey family all day, but they did not return to sit for photos for me. Is it me? Or do they know when I am not there, and pick those days fo their stroll through the yard.
But I did see something wonderful. Not in time to pick up the camera and get a photo, but it was still a first for me. Just as I looked out the kitchen window, a gorgeous orange and black bird flew on to a branch, and just as quickly flew away. May have been an oriole, but gosh was it beautiful.
However, I did take more pictures of the birdies that come to visit the bird bath. They are hilarious to watch. Yesterday, a robin came for a bath. Wowee, she was having a grand old time for herself. I did get quite a few nice photos of this, and will share one with you today. I also got some lovely flower photos. Yup, I do like this new little toy.
Last night, I looked up some different furniture stores looking at sofas, and I think I found one that I like at Laz-y-Boy. They have a store nearby, so I think I will ride over and have a look. On line, they offer you quite a few choices for fabric or leather covers for the furniture. I like this feature very much, and I found a couple of fabrics that I really think would look nice in my living room.
Yesterday, the new chair pads came for my computer room. Hopefully this will help to keep the carpet fairly clean. My son shampooed the carpet for me and it looks just great. Did I mention what a great guy he is? So I brag a bit, that's what moms do.
I think I need to get back to making more layouts too. Been so busy lately with the house and other things, that my scrapping has been neglected a bit. And my Tootsie is wanting to play, so I think I will sign off here and spend some time with her. Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.

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