Well, I must say, I spoke too soon yesterday about our fantastic weather. Actually, it WAS fantastic when I wrote it, however, right after lunch things changed drastically. The sun disappeared, it got very gray, and the thunder started rumbling and grumbling in the distance. Soon enough though, it came closer and brought the lightening with it, not to mention lots and lots of rain. Left me with little ponds all over my yard.
Sometime around mid-afternoon, while playing happily on my PC, there came such a roar of noise that I sprang to my feet to see what was the matter. (does that sound a bit Christmasy?) I looked out my window, and lo and behold - there were hailstones every where, boinging and bonging and bouncing off everything. Did I mention that I have a metal awning over my two front windows, and the sound of hail downpouring on that resembles the noise a freight train makes as it roars through your yard.
Yessiree, it was quite an afternoon. Half an hour before I had to leave for work, it looked as though the rain were letting up a bit, so I grabbled my laptop and my work bag and headed for the door to put them in the car without getting drowned in the process. WRONG! As soon as I stepped out my door, the heavens opened up and drenched me good.
So much for trying. I put my stuff in the car, and came back in the house to dry off. Ten minutes later, even though it was still raining, the sun came out, and by the time I left to go to work, the rain had just about stopped. What can I say? Here in New England, we have some crazy weather.
Last night, I worked on the Brush It challenge for Magickal Scraps. We were to supposed to create something - background papers, frames, other elements, etc. with brushes. I made a QP - the background and the frame trims all being made with brushes. I will post it today as your freebie. Hope you like it.
Now I'm off to spend some time with my little Tootsie, and maybe play a bit on my PC. I'll have some more photos to share with you tomorrow. Meanwhile, y'all have a great day.
Hugs, Edna B.

Special Credits: Catarina Klein Brushes, Brush Portfolio, BAZ
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