I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day. A day for remembering those who fought and died to give us what we have. Freedom is very special and very expensive. Don't ever forget that and the men and women who paid that ultimate price for us.
Nani, if you read this, as soon as I find where I set that little train thing, I will get it to you. I have a bad habit - if I touch it, it's now among the missing. That is definitely a gray thingy. I've been gray for quite a few years, so I know. As for the baseball game at Fenway Park, I'm jealous. I watched a lot of that game on TV though, and it was a really fantastic game. Of course you must know, those back to back home runs were just because you were there in person. Woo Hoo, Go Red Sox!! (Did I mention that we are in the #1 spot?)
This morning looks to be another of those fabulous weather days here in New England. The sun is shining and all my birds are chirping and singing away outside. I don't know about you, but I just love the sound of the birds outside my window. I also love looking out at flowers, but thanks to the hailstorm, most all my flowers were ruined. Now I will have to wait for more blooms to come up.
This morning I am putting up a picture of the four sofa fabric choices that I have picked out so far, and am hoping for some help in picking one of them. It's quite possible that I may find more, but so far I haven't. The colors in my room are: carpet - Light-Medium Denim Blue; walls - Oak , I think, paneling. They are also a light-medium shade. So, any suggestions?

Now it's time for me to get hopping here. need to accomplish something regarding that housework thingy. Then I can play on my computer and not feel guilty about what I am neglecting. In between, I must also go play ball with Tootsie. She has been sitting by that soggy old ball of hers for quite a while now, hoping that I get the hint. You just gotta love her. Y'all have a fabulous day now.
Hugs, Edna B.
Hi Edna.
I know it is hard to choose. What I saw from the carpet on photos', I think I would choose Key Largo. It's making it all lighter and still a bit in the gradients.
Timey bay Mist is a bit to flat, in my opinion. Gwenneth Indigo is lovely too, but perhaps a bit too busy and comes too close to the carpet colour, so it will "fall away".
And I also like Entice Dusty Blue, but perhaps it get's faster the "dirt", so needs even more often cleaning than Key largo. Don;t know if you get further with this, LOL. But to really make it bright and cosy, for me it would be the Key Largo. It also depends a bit on the curtains, if you have them(or do you have blinds??) If you have curtains they should be uni-coloured, and all together it would make a great combo. Well, just pick out the one that attrackted you the most at first sight. Mostly that's the best choice. Thanks for your never-ending kindness to comment on my blog and say hello to everybody for me. Hugs Kyra
Hi, Edna,
Oooh! It is fun fixing up your house, eh? I love it if it doesn't put the house out of commission for too long. My house was refurbished a few years ago. It was nice, but, a lot of headaches.
I have a suggestion on the sofa. Find a sheet or a bedspread in similar colors to the choices. Lay it out over an old sofa or just arrange it in the shape of a sofa on the floor. Try different covers. I think you might get an idea how the sofa color/pattern affects the layout of the room this way. Kyra is right on about her observations.
I try to get by the blogs at least once a week. Thank you for your comments. I love your photos. Have fun with that new lens. LOL
Hi Edna, I like the Entice Dusty Blue as it has the least amount of blue to fight the carpeting. Soil is a consideration but have it scotch guarded and that should help a lot. We are going on vacation tomorrow till the 6th of June but will try to get your blog on the laptop. Not sure if you changed the link for mine but you can whenever. Don't have to much fun with your new lens while I'm gone. I am definitely planning to use mine a lot. Enjoy! Nary Ann
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