My goodness! May is more than half way over. How is this possible? In a few weeks, we will have to start our Christmas shopping or that month will scoot right by us and catch us empty handed. Normally, I am halfway finished with my holiday shopping by now, and it is safely put away. This year, I have to confess, I haven't even started.
I may not be holiday shopping, but at least I am getting some work done in my apartment Today my son filled a mouse hole. Now the little bugger will have to find another way in. In a day or two, the bedroom carpet will be dry enough for me to start putting that room back together.
Did I tell you I love to read? That's an understatement. I filled up at least 10 shopping bags right to the top with books, books and more books - all to be given away. That still left me with tons of books. To me, books are an avenue of entertainment and the gateway to the rest of the world. If you can read, you can learn most anything, and you can travel all over the world without leaving the comfort of your own room. Can't help but love books.
Last night, I managed to do a bit of creating on my laptop. Next, I want to try a new project. This month, the technique challenge at GDS forum is all about making scrap kits from a greeting card. I've already started it, and you know? It's amazing what you can do with just one little card. I'll share it with you when it's finished.
Before I leave you today, I will share an old photo that I dug up this past week. Some years back, my daughter, Deanne, and I went through our CNA training and licensing together. After that, we worked together for many years in the health care field, both public and private.
For our clinical training, all of the students were divided into teams, and sent out to work in a local nursing facility. At the end of our clinical, we were told by the nursing staff that our team had been dubbed the "Dream Team." Yup, we were very proud of ourselves. So today I post the picture of the original Dream Team. Hope you like it. Y'all have yourselves a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
"The Dream Team" Sue, Edna, Marion, Dee Dee

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