Today and tomorrow will be days of rest here. Just puttering and little things like shredding will be done today. The bones and back need time to heal. There was one really nice thing come out of all of this. A lot of time together with my son. I don't mind tooting my horn here. He's really a terrific guy!
In my younger days, I thought nothing of hopping into my trusty little car and driving off into the sunset to any state that my children may be living in. Sometimes even just for a little vacation - you know - point the car in a direction and go. These days, I'm not so anxious to travel. It's more comfortable to stay close to home.
It's back to work tonight. No more days off for a while. Actually, I only took off 2 days. So that was not so bad. I need to save some time off for October/November. That's when Snowy and Audrey are coming to visit. It's a great time of year for visitors too. The trees will be wearing their best colors (gosh, I hope so), and the weather is usually very nice.
Well, I've chomped on your ear a bit so I will see what kind of trouble I can get into here - oh dear, the shred pile is looking at me now. Fun, fun, fun. I will leave you with a great picture of "Our Sons." Mine and Moo's. Such a pair of handsome young men. Mine is on the left, and Moo's is on the right. Y'all have a fantastic day now.
Hugs, Edna B.
"Our Sons"

1 comment:
Hope you are having quiet nights , so you can rest a bit.
Last day for me -I'm off to work in bit -Monday and Tuesday off !
Lol-Paper shredding can be a great stress-reliever as I found out.I did 3 bags full last night after our chat-just put all the frustration in the shredder as well !!!
Hugs Snowy
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