Ah, I think all that sleep last night did me some good. Tootsie and I had turned in rather early. We watched a program that I had taped on DVR, had our snack, and turned out the lights. Tootsie didn't even wake me up in the middle of the night for a potty trip. She slept right through too.
Yesterday, at work, I was looking out the kitchen window, and way up in the trees there sat a huge black bird, mostly hidden by the branches. I took a few pictures, and then went outside to see if I could get a better shot. The bird saw my movements, and flew off to another tree further away. Wow, what a wing spread!! This was a huge bird. I will post a photo, even though it is not very clear or close. (You can only do much through a window with shaky hands). Let me know what you think.
Is this maybe a Raven? Looks like one to me, but will have to check it out in the bird book at work. Do you suppose this maybe an omen? I will have to ponder on this a bit more. In any case, it was just a beautiful bird, and I would love to have been able to see it up close. I had to use a long range zoom to get these shots.
Of course, that gives me other ideas. I wonder what I could do if I had a longer zoom. Maybe a 400 mm or a 500 mm? Oh my, can't you just imagine how close you could get with one of these? Alas, they are both probably miles and miles out of my budget. But a girl can dream, can't she?
Today, I have to try once again to learn how to upload stuff to the shop store. Last night, I got so flustered trying to do this, that I gave myself an Excedrin 552 headache. (I'm just guessing at the number, they must be in the 500's by now with their headache causes!) That's when I decided to just shut down the PC, and turn in early.
I just got a pretty nice phone call from a friend that I work with. It seems she needs a night off, and in return, she will work for me tomorrow night. Yippee!! A Sunday night off once in a while is a real treat. Of course, that also means I will have a rather long shift coming up for me later in the week. Her 12 hours going straight into my 8 hours. But that's okay. This is what we do, she and I. We try to fill in for each other as much as possible.
So now I'm off to see what kind of installation woes await me today. I am stubborn, and will lick them yet. Y'all have a great day.
Hugs, Edna B.

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