Need to reply to Snowy about the ""roomy and airy" building. I hope cable internet isn't at the top of your "must have" list. Yes, they have internet out there in the cornfields, but it's probably a tad bit slower than the turtles travel. Remember "dial-up"? That's one of the newer inventions to hit the cornfields. But still, it is cheap.
To Kaline (from Tootsie) - Any tips for me on how to get her to see things my way? She's a stubborn old coot, my mom. The more I ignore my dogfood, the more she gives it to me. What's a girl supposed to do to get decent food these days? I guess I just have to be thankful that she still tapes up my ball every week.
Snowy gave us some great Green Tips: ** Buy refills, cuts down on the number of bottles going into landfill. ** Use cloth or disposable shopping bags (usually available for $1 at local stores). These are washable, and biodegradable too, I think. ** For your babies, use cloth diapers. The disposable diapers take ten years to degrade. ** For your garden, plant an onion next to other plants - greenflies, snails and other pests don't like the smell of onion and will stay out. ** Plant lemon balm to help keep flies and mosquitoes away.
** AND MOST IMPORTANT -- cut open the loops on the plastic ring fasteners which come on packs of soda and water (and other things). Animals get their heads stuck in these rings, and are horribly injured or killed by these contraptions.
I went searching for my blue bird pictures and will post one for you today. I put a close-up insert into the original photo. This was taken from the car window as we drove through this beautiful park. I thought I saw a flash of blue so I just kept shooting pictures, hoping that there would be a good one in the bunch.
Moo is trying his hand at chatting on MSN. Surprise, surprise, he had to type - camera not on today. It's good to get back to basics and practice your typing too. having a video cam and sound puts a whole new spin on messenger chatting.
My little girl just came in sit with me. She looks quite satisfied, considering she had a share of the bacon and scrambled eggs that Moo and Erik cooked for our brunch today. Did I tell you my little girl was spoiled?
I have to get back to my laundry now. The dryer should be stopping right about now, and I don't like my clothes to wrinkle. Tonight is a work night - long shift, 20 hours. So I'll pack up my laptop and maybe get some new stuff done on it tonight. Did I mention that Wayne was able to successfully install the new hard drive in the laptop, and now it has lots and lots of room.
Enjoy the blue bird, and y'all have a great day.
Hugs, Edna B.

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