I took a break last night. Me and the little one actually turned in a little early. I must have needed it, because I fell right to sleep shortly after I closed my eyes. I read somewhere that the older you get, the less sleep you required. I wonder who they were talking about?
Today is a "get out in the yard and do something" day. It is absolutely gorgeous out there. Not too hot, balmy breeze, just gorgeous. I even have some tulips finally blooming in my little garden. Tootsie and I went out to take in a bit of fresh air and harass Uncle Moo a bit.
I'm waiting for a contractor to arrive to discuss the roof repairs and replacement windows that I thought he was going to be doing a couple of weeks ago. Must be me, when they tell me a couple of weeks, I think "two weeks." However, they think "a month or so or whenever I get to it."
The repairs and maintenance are never ending when you have a house, but I am very grateful to be able to be in this situation of having a house. So I'm not really complaining, just grumbling a bit.
My friend Mary Ann in Wisconsin sent me a beautiful photo that she took of a Cedar Waxwing that visits her house to eat the berries off her tree. I will share that photo with you today, so you can see how fantastic her work is. She also received an offer to display a lot of her work in a public building - will share more of this when it's a done deal. Don't want to jinx it for her.
That's it for today. Hope to see that contractor soon. Y'all have a fantastic day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Photography by Mary ann Roesler

1 comment:
Hi Edna! I looked out my window this morning and there was a lovely bluebird sitting in my Japanese Maple tree. I thought of you, of course! Tried to get a pic but it didn't come out well.
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