Sad to say, but we've come to the end of April. It is quietly slipping away to make room for May. The weather has been up and down - hot to cool to hot to cool. Alas, pretty soon the Spring temperatures will be replaced by hot, hot and hotter.
This is also bringing out all the fuzzy, buzzing creatures. This morning, I was driven out of my computer room by one such tiny little beast. A big fat bumblebee. Tootsie and I left the room and let the little critter wear itself out and finally crawl into whatever (have not a clue where). After 30 minutes of not hearing it anymore, it seemed safe to come back into the room.
Snowy, I've taken another look at the "nuts" photo, and I think you are right. They do look like seed pods. Now if I could get my hands on one of them, I might know a bit more about it. This is a rather tall tree. Of course, when you're 5'1", everything around you looks very tall.
Take notice, I have changed the slideshow to reflect the new May Daily Download kit, Florence. The theme and colors for this beautiful kit were inspired by my dear friend, Kyra, who by the way has a very interesting story and another gorgeous freebie kit on her blog. So have a treat, and go visit with her.
I was also tagged by my friend Kyra, but this will have to wait until tomorrow so that I have time to do it justice. I also have to find ten other folks to tag - not an easy task here. Snow Raven has just sent me the ad for tomorrow's sale, so I will post it now and take my leave for today.
The weather outside is just exquisite this afternoon, so y'all need to get out there and enjoy it. Have a good one.
Hugs, Edna B.

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