Does anybody out here like learning and research as much as I do? Ever since I was very young, I have had a yen for learning. Books and places like libraries have been my best friends for many years. Books and learning can take you most anywhere. Even if you cannot afford to physically travel to some beautiful faraway place, a book and your imagination will take you there.
To me, school has always been a place of enjoyment. Crazy? Not really. Not only was it a place for socializing, but it expanded the growth of my mind. Any chance I ever got to go to school or college, or even just lectures, I hopped right to it.
Today, as I look back, my whole life has been one huge learning experience, and it hasn't stopped yet. Poor Snow Raven must be walking around in a sleepy fog today. She spent most of the night trying to talk me through another big learning experience. Bless her, she is so patient.
When the book series "------- For Dummies" came out, they forgot me. I got lost in the first one I bought. Had to go out and buy another book series "Windows (or whatever) SIMPLIFIED" because the whole book is visual. That's right -- they tell you what to do, then show you a picture with a red box around the item you need to work with, and lots of little arrows to show you where to go next.
These books were lifesavers for me when it came to learning how to use a computer. When I got my very first computer, I knew absolutely nothing about it. Company would come, and I would proudly show off my new toy. I would turn it "ON" and then I would turn it "OFF." After a couple of months, I realized that I had just spent $2000 and didn't even know what to do with it. (prices have changed drastically since then) This is when I got introduced to these marvelous SIMPLIFIED books.
Now I are much smarter. Sometimes I even get really brave and try something new or hit a new button or key or something. Golly! Everyday there is something new for me to learn.
So now, I really must get busy and finish up my challenges - I know, I know, I keep saying that, but life gets in my way and I stray easily from my day to day projects. I did manage to finish up one layout for the Journaling challenge at Magickal Scraps. We had to make a layout about something interesting we have been doing for the past month. Well, I did quite a it of research on my family history - which I will get into another day - and chose to make my layout about this. The kit I used is Snow Raven's "Bonnie Scotland" which, I believe, you can purchase at both the shop at Magickal Scraps and the shop at Scraphead. Both links should be listed over to the right.
Y'all have a great day, and enjoy my new layout.
Hugs, Edna B.

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