Was the rain and wind very ferocious where you are during the night? We had a bit here, but I fell asleep and must have missed the worst of it. the weatherman said it would be quite miserable outside during the night, and rainy off and on until sometime Thursday. He said we could get an inch of rain during that time. Imagine that? An inch of rain spread out over two or three days? The man must not be using all of his brain burners.
With this yucky weather, I don't seem to be getting up any energy. I'm a sunshine girl. Need the sun and the flowers, birds chirping and warm breezes to get into an energetic work mode. right now, I think I'd like to just go back to back and watch TV or read a book, but I'm not going to because I don't like wasting my day totally. Maybe I'll do some laundry, there's always some lurking in the laundry bucket.
I did it again --I type a whole page and hit a wrong button. Poof!!! Everything disappeared. So, because I don't want to re-type the whole thing, I will just stop here. Tomorrow will be much better, I'm sure.
I do have a freebie for you - a QP made from Snow Raven's new Re-do of "Bonnie Scotland." I used "Pt. 4 - Natures Beauty" and a speck from "Pt. 1 - Braveheart." Visit Snow Raven's blog to view the whole kit and download it free. Imagine! This great big, beautiful kit, and it's free. http://silversnowyraven.blogspot.com/.
I'm off now to play with my little kid here. Y'all have a great night.
Hugs, Edna B.

Here is your download link for "Bonnie Scotland QP - 02"
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 21 Apr [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 22 Apr [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Quick Page(s) post on Apr. 22, 2009. Thanks again.
J'aime beaucoup.
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