Today's your last chance to get your taxes in on time. Hurry, hurry! It's such a load off your mind once they are finished and in the mail or e-mail.
Bad news today - they sent the wrong hard drive for my laptop. So what else is new? Murphy's Law at work here. Wayne sent them an email, and now we have to wait for them to get back to us. I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for their answer. If I do, I won't need the hard drive at all. lol.
Seems like I have been busy all day, but I don't see lots of stuff achieved around me. Hows come basillio? I did laundry, they don't like me wearing dirty, wrinkled clothes to work. I looked up travel itineraries to help find the best one for my son for when he comes up here. I played on the computer a bit, I scolded Tootsie for piddling on the carpet - also cleaned same carpet. I even gathered up some materials to make some more kits and things. Found the time to chat a bit on MSN, and send a few emails. That's what I did - oh, and I cooked supper so I won't have to do it later.
Maybe I did get a few things accomplished. Meanwhile the mailman brought me some more goodies - lots of pictures from Audrey, and a copy of the magazine my son-in-law designed and put together for the United Taxidermist Association. Mac, you did a great job on the magazine, well done. If any of you is interested in this association, let me know and I will publish the numbers you need to get in touch with them.
Today, I think I'll share a couple of pictures that Audrey sent - one that shows where she lives a way out there in the boonies, and another of her newest friend. What can I say? It gets lonely out there in the middle of a cornfield - not too many neighbors.
I think I've ignored Tootsie long enough - can't have her piddling on any more carpeting. Time for me to go and get ready for my company. Daughter-in-law comes for supper and a visit on Wednesday evenings. Y'all have a great night.
Hugs, Edna B.
Audrey's Home

Audrey's New Friend

I hope her new friend is safe from her shotgun,lol.
And I'm officially jealous - all this wide open space where she lives, beautiful !
Hope she has no plans stuffing that cow. Looks like a nice area where she lives.
Okay, bad me - the first thing I think when I see wide open space is "it needs a train." :) And I do know I'm an odd-ball there! hehe
I love the close-up of cow number 7! ;)
My...our taxes were done on Monday. This is the first year I've ever been so late with them! I'm usually a have it done by February girl. But it's also the first year I haven't had to do them, which was nice! I gathered the papers and David did the taxes. I keep finishing new things about being married I like! LOL
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