Friday, June 25, 2021

Enjoying The Showers And The Cooler Temps

June 25, 2021

Good morning.  Tis cool and gray today.  We had bits of rain on and off during the night.  This is good.  I won't have to go out and water the plants today.  I'm enjoying the cooler temps while we have them.  In a few days, the wicked heat from the West will catch up with us.

This morning, I followed the news about the building that collapsed in Surfside, Florida.  The death toll is now at four, with 159 people still unaccounted for.  Today machines are being brought in to remove large pieces of rubble in hopes of finding more people.  Hopefully, alive.  

I was able to sleep a bit later this morning,  Then I started to go through some of the music on my laptop and got caught up in enjoying it.    Over the years, my brother and my hubby and I collected tons of wonderful music.  It's difficult to play just one song.  Some of our music goes way back to the late 1800's.  Of course, the real old stuff is very scratchy, but very interesting to listen to.  

One song I played reminds me of my graduation from high school, sixty four years ago.  I'm not allowed to post it here for you to hear.  It is the Statler Brothers singing "The Class Of 57."   Wow, memories!  Do you remember the song "Mairzy Doats"?  I listened to that too!    Here are the lyrics to "Mairzy Doats."  The song was written in 1943, and first recorded in 1944 by the Pied Pipers.

Before I leave today, let me share this image that I borrowed from the.  (You DO have the power!)

Now I'm off to put some of my music on a thumb drive to send to my cousin Anita.  So, till Sunday, Y'all stay safe and have a fantabulous weekend.

Hugs, Edna B.


smiekeltje said...

All plants love a bit of heavenly water, it is the best for them. We have rain too at the moment, it is light rain, so that is good.
I just woke up of a nap(Jan is still in dreamland, hahaha) so good time to visit you and your blog.(it is around 7.40 p.m. now).
The songs you are talking about I don;t know them. But Jan and I like good music to listen too, in the afternoon we have on the radio on a channel that plays music of the 50's to the 80's and it's wonderful to listen to them.

The collapsing builiding was on the news here too and it is aweful. I do hope they still will be able to find people alive. How can such a thing happen????

Have some more happy listening today, music is good for the body and soul.
Happy day,

Kathy said...

My mom used to sing the Mairzy dotes song and she taught it to me when I was a kid. Such fun. Glad you were able to listen to your old music. And you are right. You listen to one song and that leads to another and another and another...

Beth Reed said...

Oh I do remember the class of 57 by the Statler Brothers but you got me on the other one. If I ever heard it I don't remember it.
We got thunderstorms 2 days in a row. They didn't last as long as I had hoped for but I was not going to complain as it has been so very hot and it is nice while the cooler temps last.
It is so sad about the building collapse in Florida. I really hope that they find more people alive. When I went to bed last night the missing total was 99 and this morning 159. It is really sad. I am not one that wants to be in huge high rises. But then again those down on the bottom floors are now in danger as well. I just pray that they by a miracle survive and I believe in Miracles.
Have a wonderful day listening to music. I need a nap. I am fading fast. Hugs my friend. I love you. xoxoxoxo

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

My mother used to sing Mairzy Doats to me when I was little, I'd always assumed it was a much older song. Didn't know the Class of 57 song but it has a lyric that rings true to me as all my friends went different ways too, though now we're all doing the same - we're retired!

Theresa said...

I sure do remember that song:) I am so sad about that building collapse, it is awful to see that pile of rubble and know there are still so many missing!
Enjoy your day dear friend, let's make someone happy today! HUGS!

Steve Reed said...

My mom used to sing that Mairzy Doats song!