Thursday, June 6, 2019

Summer Is Here Early

June 6, 2019

Good afternoon.  Tis sunny and rather warm today.  Temps are forecast to be in the eighties for the next week.  I hope there's going to be a breeze with that.  Right now, the breeze is so tiny that the flag and tree leaves are barely moving.  Summer is moving right in.

It was quite warm during the night and I slept badly, so I tried to catch some winks this morning.  The winks were patchy, but at least I got some sleep.  I have things to do today, and DIL Janet is coming by later today after work, so I need to find some energy. 

The pharmacy called me yesterday to say that my Advair has been refilled for ninety days and is ready for pickup.  They also said that it would cost me $36.00.  Excuse me???  My co-pay is usually between $700 and $900 for ninety days, so what is this about?  If it really is only $36, I'll probably faint.  Well, maybe not faint, but I'll know I'm dreaming and haven't woke up yet. 

The pharmacist also told me that the second half of my shingles shot is in and waiting for me.  Add all this to a small shopping list and I guess I need to go shopping today.  Janet just texted me and said that she will go shopping with me.  God Bless my girls.  I couldn't get along without them. 

Today I have more photos of the pretty blossoms in my yard.  My Sweet Williams were almost wiped out but they are coming back now.  The few that are in my lawn will be dug up and moved to a new spot before the grass is mowed.  The colors range from lilac to pink to white.  Gosh, they are so pretty!

The last photo is one of the plants that grew beneath another type of plant.  The back part of the property is rather overgrown with all sorts of things.  I leave most of it alone just in case there are birds and critters living there. 

Today I have a new quick page for you.  This one is a "just for fun" page.  These little frogs are really enjoying the warm weather.  Have fun with it.

Here is your download link:

Well, I have a lot of things to do before Janet gets here.  I have to shop around for a new air conditioner, and then I need to find out if and when SIL Eddie can install it.  I'm off now.  So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day. 

Hugs, Edna B.

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