Good morning everybody. It's a cold, snowy beautiful new day in a new year. We got a couple more inches of snow yesterday, and it is snowing again but only lightly. Did any of you get to watch the ball drop in New York? Or maybe watch some fireworks? I did not get to do this as I was busy at work, but hopefully tonight there will be re-runs on TV that I can watch.
Has anyone made any New Year's resolutions? I stopped doing that years ago because somehow I never kept any of the resolutions that I had made. But this year, I think I will try again. There are some things I would like to do, such as make a nature book using my own photographs, travel a little bit (not too far), exercise a bit more and become a bit more active than I have been the last couple of years.
I would also like to take some classes to learn how to use my camera better. My camera is so powerful, and there is so much that I do not know. This year I want to try to take at least one photo every day. I figure that by the time next autumn rolls around I should have enough photos for the next calendar and maybe even a book. Woo Hoo!!
I am at work and the Mrs. is waking up, so I will have to be making her some breakfast here shortly. I do have a couple of photos to share. They were taken on two different days. The first was taken a few days ago before we we had the blizzard, and the second one was taken just a few minutes ago. Can you tell I really like blue jays? Enjoy.
From Tootsie, Moo and me, HAPPY NEW YEAR everybody. May your year be filled with happiness, good health and prosperity. Y'all have a great day now
Hugs, Edna B.
Hugs, Edna B.

I love those birds !!! I have never seen those, either in Germany where I lived ,nor here in the east of UK.The wildlife in your part of the world there is just amazing. I can see I will definitely feel right at home there once I move over- there is nothing nicer than animals and nature.And you seem to have both in abundance,lol.
Hope you got into the New Year peacefully while at work last
night. Hugs Snowy
I think your blue jays are outstanding...and taken through a window! That is one awesome camera...we will have to have a shoot-off in Florida. Canon vs. Nikon. No fair getting to much practice! Keep up the sharing as I enjoy it so much as do others. Mary Ann
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