A quiet, yet busy day today. I'm writing this post shortly before I leave for work. Miss Tootsie and I slept late this morning. There were some good programs to watch on TV during the night, so we took advantage of a night off and enjoyed several of them. Hence the late sleeping.
I was very busy on the computer this afternoon, but I can't really seem to see what I accomplished. Isn't that amazing? I know I was busy doing things, but what? That probably speaks volumes about how important my PC stuff is. I read some of my email, catch up on a few graphics that needed updating, and even spend a little bit of time chatting with Moo.
Yesterday, I managed to finish up a couple more challenges. Specifically the "Q" and the "R." The words I chose to use were "Questions" and "Read." Someone could fill volumes with all the questions I have asked in my lifetime. It's my way of learning when everything I want to know is not easily learned in a book. Of course, that brings up reading. I love to read. I always say you cannot have too many books. Books are your best friend sometimes.
Now I really must hop to it and get ready to leave. Have to make sure Miss Tootsie's overnight bag is packed. It contains her food, meds, and snacks for the night. Before I leave, I'll post the challenge layouts. Enjoy, and y'all have a wonderful night.
Hugs, Edna B.

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