We're running out of year, and I have so much left to do. Oh my. Thank goodness for the TV shopping channels. Not only do they have a good price, but they will ship directly to the recipient, saving you from paying two shipping charges. Today I managed to get one more gift bought, and except for a couple of doo dads, I think I'm done with my holiday shopping. Yippee!!
Next I have to finish up two or three kits, and then the big dreaded thing will be here. TAX TIME. Here's where I make an exception about using the "H" word. I hate doing the taxes and finding all my receipts and bills and little slips of paper. I know, I know. Put them all in one place during the year, and all will be well at the end of the year. Well, I tried. I really really did try. Most everything landed in the designated envelopes. But unfortunately, some have managed to go astray. Maybe next year I'll do better. (I've been saying that all my adult life.)
Today I made a layout for the ABC Challenge at Magickal Scraps. This one is for the letter E. I haven't done the letter D yet, but I'll do that one next. I have a photo of my youngest granddaughter that just called out to be the letter E. The photo was taken of her four years ago picking apples, and she is just exquisite. The kit I used is Snow Raven's "Celtic Magic - Earth."
Moo has just informed me that we have a leak coming from one of the roofs. Not good news to be sure. But now I must go find out just what he is talking about. You have a great night.
Hugs, Edna B.
Lovely layout, in a nice colour.
I know what you mean about TAXES forms filling in!!! I also promise myself to be more accurate and put all things right away in the good place, but.....................grrrrmmmpppfffff. It´s already a bit better now that I have an real accountant who handles all the tax stuff)for as long as I can afford it that is' and that is a blessing! But still remains I loose every year some things, finding them back much later. LOL.
I should prepare a few things for this evening on the chat, but I am afraid it will not be there yet. Oh well, I can make it always a few days later. Very curious who is coming! Till tonight, aand hope the leak isn+t too serious!
I know what you mean about so much to do and no time! Oh, taxes is a naughty word...I don't think about them unti after the holidays!
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