Wow, what a nice surprise. Hummie has come to see me, and now I feel like I've actually climbed up a few pegs in the scrapping world. She is a very well known and talented lady in this world of scraps. Please visit her site and say hello. There are so many interesting things to see and do on her page, that you will be there a while.
Today I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that I don't have Snow Raven's QP ready for you yet. The good news is that I will give you one that I made with my Cactus Sunset kit. I'm still playing catch up with my PC projects. Life keeps trying to slow me down - you know, the house, the job, people, and of course little Tootsie wants her share of my time too. Ah, well, we'll get there.
As for no blog posting last night, what can I say. I worked late, hit a ton of traffic on the way home, rushed in the house to get Tootsie (can't come home without hugging and kissing her) and raced to turn on the computer. Then of course, I had to check out my roofing "bad news." It looks like I'm going to have to dig up my money bush out back sooner than I wanted to. I wonder if it's still blooming.
By now, I was late for the Chat on Magickal Scraps, but better late than not at all. It was an interesting chat, and the project that Snow Raven had planned for us to do was also very interesting. We have to do a two page layout centered around a "Tree of Life." (Our own tree of life) So far, I'm almost finished with page one. When it's finished, I'll share it here.
For Mrs. Manfink, yes Rho, that certainly was your delightful Mr with Mr B on the holiday layout. It's one of my favorite photos. I'm so glad that your Mr liked it.
If any of you wants to get some beautiful holiday freebies, hop on the "Christmas Around The World" blog train. It's awesome, and it's HUGE! If you download, don't forget to say thank you to all those wonderful folks who make up the train. Here's the link for the CATW site:
It's time now for me to have dinner and get ready for work. Maybe I'll get a lot of my PC stuff done tonight. That would certainly be nice. Have a great evening.
Hugs, Edna B.
"Page Two QP" kit "Cactus Sunset"

Here is your download link for "Page 2 QP":
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 13 Dec [LA 09:32pm] - 14 Dec [NY 12:32am, UK 05:32am, OZ 04:32pm] ).
Oh my! You made me blush! I'm just a regular person like you....feels weird for people to say stuff about me like this.
I do understand about having trouble motivating yourself after a long day. That's why we all need to inspire each other.
Love the qp, thank you.
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