Did everyone have a wonderful Christmas Holiday? We did. Christmas Eve, Moo and Tootsie and I celebrated together and opened our gifts. We usually wait till Christmas morning, but this year I had to work on Christmas Day. I took a lot of photos of Tootsie and Moo playing with their new stuff, and I'll share one of them with you today.
My little girl had a grand time sniffing every package, every piece of wrapping, and then checking the contents of every package. She was such a delight to watch. I am so thankful to have had her all this time.
In the photo, she is checking the outfits that Auntie Audrey and Miss Bea sent her. She also got lots of treats, and a new blanket. I had already given in and taped her old ball together. This pleased her tremendously, and she was in great spirits for the Holiday. ( I had to post the photo at the end of the post because Blogger is up to it's old tricks of messing up my post. Sorry.)
I had a great time at work. My boss cooked a wonderful breakfast, and we all sat down together to enjoy it. She made us the most delicious pan omelet I have ever tasted. M-m-m-m-m!! Add this to all my other blessings, and I am one truly blessed lady.
Now that the rush and hoopla are over for a bit, I must settle down and finish up your Christmas kit. I hope to have it ready for you shortly. So now I'm off, got to check some of my favorite blogs, and make some more scraps. Have a great day.
Hugs, Edna B.

1 comment:
Hello Edna, Good to read you had a great Christmastime together and wow, Christmas already over. How fast that is going, and that after looking so long forward to it.Jan and I had wonderful days together, I also had time to do a lot of things, e.g. the kitchen challenge, just have to post the previews on the forum now. I am still taking the break from the blog. I think I will start monday again. Well, we will talk soon again, hope you will have a terrific weekend( a great story about the parking place and the policeman, oooops!!!, LOL)
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