Before I start chatting, I want to let you know that we have a brand new Daily Download Kit, "Festive Season" at Magickal Scraps. So be sure to stop by and take a look. It's a mega kit, and it's gorgeous.
We got another fuel delivery today, so now we get to see well how the new furnace does, and if it's an oil gobbler. I'll keep all fingers and toes crossed and hope it's not very thirsty. Although, I must say, the cost isn't as scary as it was last winter. That in itself is a blessing. We'll see.
Tonight, Tootsie and I are going to watch some old family holiday movies that we had taped, and now my son has been converting to DVD for me. It should be fun, because some of the people in the movies aren't with us anymore, and it will be nice seeing them again.I have a photo to share with you, that I took a few days ago. I was looking out a window, and this blue jay saw me and quickly flew off, but not before I snapped his picture.

I really hope Santa has a terrific new lens in his big bag with my name on it. One that takes really fantastic close-ups. Ah, well, I can dream, can't I?
Has anybody tried those cleansing pads that you put on your feet at night, and while you sleep, they drain all the toxins out of your body? While shopping the other day, I saw a box of them so I figured "Why not?" and I bought them. I've only tried them for two nights, but each morning when the pad came off, it was dark gray colored. So I guess it's working. Wouldn't it be nice if they could come up with one that you put on your body at night, and it would eat up all the fat while you snoozed?
I think I better quit while I'm ahead. Have a great night.
Hugs, Edna B.
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your blog is feel good......
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