Well we almost got the new roof finished today. The roofing crew ran into just a teeny little snag. It seems a rather large Ms. Possum had made herself a nice comfy home beneath the rafters (or somewhere in there), and was absolutely not coming out for anybody. So there we are. The next best solution was to finish all but her little corner, and come back after the wildlife control people had been over to get her out. So now we are waiting for a call back from the wildlife control.
To make matters just a bit more interesting, the weather man has been telling us to expect up to 12 inches of snow tomorrow between noon and 8 p.m. Now isn't that special! Not only do we have a huge blizzard bearing down on us, but there is more snow forecasted for the next few days. This is one of those times when I certainly hope the weather man is wrong.
The good news is that at least my computer seems to be working okay now. I won't say any more on that subject or it just might come back and bite me. Tootsie is sitting here looking up at me as if to say "Are you ever gonna get off that dumb computer?" Her friend Kaline (Nani's kitty kat) sent her condolences re the dying ball. She's been down that road too, and knows the heartbreak involved. Thank you Kaline.
If any of you knows how to revive a dying, mostly all bald tennis ball that is almost totally split in two, please let us know. We can't tape it because Tootsie might chew the tape off and get sick. Glue is out of the question too. Although Tootsie might feel a bit better after sniffing the glue for a few minutes. Oh my! Did I say that? My bad.
Time for me to leave you for tonight. If I'm not back for a day or two, it just means that I'm plumb wore out fighting all the snow. I have a layout to share with you tonight. I made it for the Click Challenge at Magickal Scraps. This month the challenge was for us to go out and photograph Christmas lights. I didn't have a chance to get out to do this so I used the photos I took last winter. Hope you like it. Have a great night.
Hugs, Edna B.
"Christmas Lights"

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