Well, today I finally did it! Opened mouth and put in foot! I went to the nail salon, but could not park in the handcap spot because there was already a pickup truck parked there - and it had no handicap tags. I parked in another spot, and went inside.
A policeman was inside, talking to rather handsome young man. I waited politely until they finished talking, and then told the policeman about the truck that was parked in the handicap spot. The tall young man said "Oh dear, that's my truck. I didn't realize I was parked in the wrong place." I said "Shame on you, but you're forgiven this time, it's Christmas. Just don't do it again young man." He said he wouldn't. All this time, the pretty little blonde having her nails done was laughing up a storm.
As the policeman was leaving, I laughed and said to him "If you see him parked there again, give him a ticket." He replied, "Oh don't worry ma'am, I'll keep after him all day."
I chatted with this nice young man, while his wife (the pretty young blonde) was having her nails done. When it was my turn to be waited, the manicurist said to me "Did you know that he is a policeman too?" (meaning the handsome young man that I had scolded) This is where I felt the foot being inserted into my mouth.
To make matters worse, I noticed after a while, that he wasn't even in the handicap spot. There was no handicap spot. The city plows had dumped all the snow from that part of the parking lot on top of the only handicap spot. By this time, that foot that I stuck in my mouth was all the way down to my belly. I turned all shades of red, and apologized profusely to this handsome young policeman.
I'm back home now, and hopefully cannot get into any more trouble today. I have to wrap the gifts for all the little dwarfs, then I'll be done. Wrapping should be fun, they're all getting comforters this year. You all be good now, Santa's coming tonight.
Hugs, Edna B.
Merry Christmas Everybody.

1 comment:
Tootie in your Christmas card is so beautiful. The layout and colors reflect the holiday so well. Merry Christmas to you, Moo, the Dwarfs and all of your friends on this blog from Wisconsin.
Mary Ann
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