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When it rains, it pours. Oh well, you all know that already. Yesterday, my PC was having a bad hair day, so the repair technician, Wayne, had to be called in. What would I ever do without him?
I don't seem to be able to get out of my own way lately. The more I re-organize my computer, the worse it gets. Obviously, I need a refresher course on reorganizational skills. I need to learn to throw stuff away, instead of just hiding it all in a new folder. Once it's in the folder, I forget where I put it, and have to go get another thing just like it to replace it. Who know? I just might need it soon. Next thing you know, there are several copies of everything on my computer.
I was never like this when I was younger, so it must be a part of this wonderful thing called "aging." Sounds like a good excuse to me.
I'm off to catch up on a little beauty sleep. Lord knows I need it. (the beauty part, I mean). This is another working night for me. Hopefully I can catch up on some homework. Last night, I was just too tired to want to play with the laptop.
I will leave you a freebie, the matching QP to a layout I posted the other day. This was made with "Praying For A Cure." Enjoy,
Hugs, Edna B.

Oh Edna, you sound like me, I hate to delete anything because "what if.........?" :)
So glad that you got your baby working again!!!!!!!
TY so very much for this FANTASTIC QP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello Edna, glad your pc is okeay again! I know about"the"may be I will need this again"thing! But I managed to be a bit more radical the last time. If I used something for a kit I just keep it a little while and then throw it away! Otherwise you really loose the overview. But I know, it's a hard thing to do!LOL. Best is to take once in a while say half an hour to go through some maps to see if you still want it. And be determined with the throwing away! And if you need just one of the things you did get rid off, well, that's a pity, but you always can search to find a thing like it again. And you will be amazed on how many new things you find then! Another problem then comes up: "Shall I download it or not?"HAHAHA.
I love the QP you have done with your kit. The frames are so nice!
Have a great day and hopefully the "beauty"sleep did help a bit??????? (On our age, to get some beauty back I think we will need a beauty sleep of a couple of days and even then........LOL)
Hugs, Kyra
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