Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hang In There. Tomorrow Will Be Warmer!

January 4, 2012

Good morning.  It's a gorgeous sunny morning here in my little part of the world, and the temperature is up to 13 degrees and heading for 28.  Brrrrr!  Tomorrow we should be having another heat wave though.  The weather man promises us 39 degrees.  It looks like the next seven days will range from 39 to 47 degrees.  Gosh, I hope so.  13 degrees is just not my cup of tea.

I shouldn't complain though, because it is very cold in Florida this morning.  Actually, it is below freezing there, and in North Carolina, it is snowing.  What crazy weather!   I hope it warms up before it's time for Tootsie and me to travel South.

I'll show you what does love the cold temperatures.  Our hydrangea bushes.  Once their blooms have all gone by, new little buds start to form.  These little buds continue to grow all through the winter, and then when the warm weather is here again the buds will bloom.  I took this photo of one of the buds on a hydrangea bush at work.

I'm hoping that my Rose of Sharon and Hibiscus plants survive the Winter and blossom again in the Spring.  The white Hibiscus that my brother gave me did not survive the Winter last year even though I put mulch on it and covered it.  I did not cover this years' plants.  They need to be hardy to grow here in New England.

I've been reading on several blogs about a project 365, so I checked it out.  It's all about posting on your blog every day, whether it be photos or stories or both.  It's about focusing on a subject and making it interesting and informative for others.  Another way is to make a scrap book layout every day of the year.

Well, I do try to post every day, and I try to take photos almost every day and post them on my blog.  In the beginning, my blog was all about scrap booking, and my daily happenings.  Over time, as my interest in photography has increased, my blog has definitely taken on a different perspective.  But, it is still basically all about my day to day life. 

When I began my blog, I was a new widow looking for something to keep my mind occupied, so I got into scrap booking and designing.  Having a blog to post things on was a requirement to be part of a creative team.  Hence, Miss Edna's Place was born.  It was also a place to chat about how Tootsie and I were doing so that my family and friends could  look in on us and see that we were doing okay.

So when you stop by, be sure to pull up a chair and have a cup of coffee while I fill you in on what is happening with my Tootsie and me.  I will try to bring you interesting photos and news tidbits and weekly scrap booking freebies.  All in all, I  think I could call this my Project 365. 

The temperature is climbing and up to 17 degrees already!  Time for me to get dressed and start my new day.  Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.

Hugs, Edna B.


Nani said...

I was thinking that you already do Project 365 for posting photos or blogging. I did a photo every day and a layout every week for our first married year, I'm missing a few days when my Grandma was n the hospital but I have most of the photos and the journaling done. I just don't have all the scrapbook layouts done.

But Edna, you print your blogs in books, so you've pretty much been doing P365 for a while. So, you have a head start! :D

I think I need to get a hydrangea. I'd love to see buds in the winter. It gives hope!

Have a wonderful day and try to stay warm! It's fold here too and I'll be doing the same thing!

76 days until spring now, right?
Hugs, Nani

Anonymous said...

Hi Edna -- methinks that your "hydrangea" is really a rhododendron...they set their buds early -- and the interesting thing is that the colder it gets, the more their leaves close up (kinda like an umbrella). It used to be that hydrangea died back completely in winter, but there are so many new varieties, that I am not sure ... How did your 3 hydrangea grow & bloom last summer? Happy New Year to you and Tootsie. Donna

smiekeltje said...

I think that Donna is right about the plant LOL.
Hydrangeas blossoms dry out during winter, get brown. Leave them on the bush till in spring, to protect the new forming sprouts. Then cut of just the dead blossom, be careful not to cut too deep, if it's a rather large bush, you can prune it a bit, by taking out some older branches to give the nush a bit of air.
We already have pretty hard winds the last couple of days but today it's storming! Good day to stay inside, there should be more rian, with probably a bit of hail in it. But temps stay about the same.
Oh, I will check the shoutbox, but somebody posted in it and I tried it out and it looks fine to me. Strange.
Have a great day

Edna B said...

My Bad!! I definitely meant Rhodendum!! Thank you for setting me right. My face is red! Hugs, Edna B.

The Queen Jester said...

If anyone posts 365 it's you! I feel like such a slacker compared to you. It was interesting to see what made you start blogging and how it has evolved. It was a perfect day down here in Texas yesterday. I actually got out of bed last night to open the windows back up as it felt too warm too sleep. I'm sure Florida will warm up for you when you are ready to go. So far I believe I enjoyed Florida more than Texas, but it's too early to say for sure yet.