Miss Tootsie and I got back from her morning chemo appointment a little while ago, and I have been catching up on my emails and daily blog hops. As soon as I got here, I was able to get a couple of new photos of the little woodpecker at one of the feeders.
Shortly, we will be going out again, this time to the nail salon to have my nails done. I have a bandaid on one of my nails because I chipped it yesterday while I was trying to open a jar. I'm learning that it is not fun to type with bandaids on your fingers. lol.
I have a couple of photos to share today. The first one is another gorgeous Iris from the garden where I work. This one is in shades of

This next photo shows a squirrel resting in the shade under the Butterfly Bushes. I think he has spotted me, and is getting ready to run.
I think when we get back from my appointment, I will start working on my week 5 JC layout. I seem to always be the last one to get mine posted. After that, I really should make friends with the vacuum cleaner. The dust bunnies are getting so big they are starting to roll about the place. (Just kidding!) Got to tidy up a bit. Daughter in law is coming for a visit and dinner. Hmmm, wonder what we'll have for supper? Maybe ham? Maybe subs?
It's time now to get ready to leave. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
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